Scumback Sprakers IR


I'm doing clips for Scumbacks speakers for their website and this would be a great opportunity to make some IR's since I have 12 models at my studio. I've never done it before. My question is that my favorite mic combo is a Sm 57 and a Royer 121 ribbon mic and sometimes a Neumman 87ai for room sound. Is it possible to make an IR using 2 to 3 mics at the same time? I'm using a Chandler Limited TG 2, SSL compressor and a SSL eq and that's my favorite set up for recording my guitars. I would need to sum them into on IR because I would like to keep the hi resolution using one cabinet instead of 2. Any one ever done this?
It's the exact same as the IR tutorial except run an aux out of the desk with the mic mix back to the AxeFx vs. the output of a single mic pre.


Thanks Richard, I forgot the info is in the manual. I looked at it after posting my question! Duuhhh!
Alternatively, you could make an IR for each mic. Then you could use MixIR to blend each mic IR into a single IR. That way you can change the mix of the mics in the future.
Alternatively, you could make an IR for each mic. Then you could use MixIR to blend each mic IR into a single IR. That way you can change the mix of the mics in the future.

I've done that before with great results.Hopefully I can do it right because the speakers are incredible!
I still have to ask the boss if he doesn't mind. But if they come out good and people likes them ,it's away of promoting the speakers. I have a nice room that's been professionally treated,with wood floors bass traps and acoustical panels, so that's a good start.
Just curious ..., what cab would they be in ( 1 x 12 / 2 x .., 4 x ..., ) ?

We are using a Scumback 4 x 12 straight can with 69 specs with EC pinstripe cloth. It's built with premium 5/8 Baltic birch. The thing is built like a tank! For the alnico we're using a custom made 2 x 12. I can't remember the brand, might be an Avatar.
I really appreciate your effort! thank you so much, I can't wait to try them.... :)

And yes - I think this would be a great promotion for scumback speakers - I haven't tried so far and this would be a nice way to do so without having to buy multiple speakers.
I have a couple of Jim's speakers in my 2X12 that I use with my Metro JTM-45. They are my touchstone sound. Needless to say, I love Scumbacks!
I only have 2 power amps I'm my studio because I lent my Crown D class to friend that went on tour.
My only choices are my Mesa Boogie 2 90 and a B&K components ST-140 which is an old MOSFET power amp which was a very popular amp among's a very transparent.
The more transparent the better (for IR's anyway)

I guess I'll use the B&K ST-140. I used it when I got my Ultra and it sounded great but it wasn't powerful enough to play with my band so I got the ART power amp which didn't come close to the B&K. I later replaced it with a Crown XL-1000 which sounded better than the ART but not as good as the B&K which I use now for my secondary studio monitors because it's very transparent.
I gave it a try and it worked! The speaker IR sounds really nice although I don't know how well it stacks up the ones available by people that has a lot of experience. But I'll keep experimenting with different positions and mixing both SM 57 and the Royer 121 ribbon mic with one cab.I like them better than the ones that come with the Axe Fx 2.
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