Scrambled Characters on Axe-FX II Display


Did a search and found several people who experienced this on their MFC, but I don't own an MFC (yet).
After a few hours of playing today, I was taking a break. When I came back, the Axe-FX had some scrambled characters on the display. Most everything could still be read, and the axe-fx seemed to be functioning fine. In my haste, I restarted the axe-fx without taking a picture, and when it turned back on, everything seemed right as rain.
Only played for about another 10 minutes before calling it a day, but wanted to make a post and see if anyone else has experienced anything similar, and if I need to be concerned with my axe-fx shitting the bed. :geek
Yeah, mine didn't look like that I'm afraid. Otherwise I likely wouldn't have even noticed. This was definitely not right looking at all.
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