Scott's Bogner Preset - STP test tone with Firmware 7.18

Scott Peterson

Global Moderator
This is just a quickie test of my Bogner tone preset that I reset with Firmware 7.18.

It has that Bogner 'bottom end about to explode out of control' yet not muddy or smeared and is just a test of that tone that I do. I like this song "Interstate Love Affair" for it's complex chords and rhythm to test out these sorts of tones for me because it shows me how distinct such chords are versus the gain. I used my #1 Melancon Custom Artist direct into the Axe-FX.

Nothing fancy, but here you go. (I used UAD's Precision Limiter to get it up to level, but NO other post processing. This is 100% straight from Axe-FX to DAW using the analog out, in mono, to my DAW (Lynx Audio L22 D/A converters)). One pass, no punches, no EQ, no nothing but what it is.
You're right, that's a nice balance between being way busted up and yet tight enough to discern the notes of a chord. Custom cabs or stock?
Dang, Scott, I always like your tones but this one is just stellar. Especially if you were using this in a live or recorded mix, I don't think anyone would be able to tell that's not an amp. Seriously. Good stuff.
hey scott, sounds good any chance you could do a multi-tracked one in a mix of some sort i'd love to hear it

I think I've only posted here once or twice but I just had to say how much I like the presets you have done. My day job keeps me from playing out any more, but I have a pretty extensive home studio for writing and recording. I primarily use my Ultra for direct recording and the first 3 presets I have are your Blackface, Deluxe and JCM800. They seem to meet 80 per cent of my needs. I am not the most patient when it comes to tweaking presets so I really appreciate the ones that you've shared.

I used it in the studio today. In a few weeks, I'll have some rough mixes to share.

I'll share the preset and find out what two Clawfinger IR's I use.
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