Scott Szeryk-Canadian National Anthem-FRACTAL AXE 2

Hey Guys,

I got a last minute call to perform the Canadian National Anthem down at the John Labatt Center in London ONtario, Canada. I had just got in from LA that morning so I was really tired and I didn't feel like loading lots of gear so I grabbed the Fractal Axe 2, Wha pedal and main gtr and away I went. The preset was a rhythm patch I wrote using the Fryette 60M and IR of my own cab, slight delay and that's it. It sounded huge come through FOH.

Scott Szeryk - Canadian National Anthem - O Canada - Oh Canada - Instrumental Guitar Solo - YouTube
AAAAAWESOME!!! I don't even know the song and felt like holding on my chest with goosebumps on my arms lol. Keep doing that!
AAAAAWESOME!!! I don't even know the song and felt like holding on my chest with goosebumps on my arms lol. Keep doing that!

if you like the hairs standing up on your arm... well... then you gotta check out a Canadian hockey game. :D
don't take this question the wrong way...
does playing it on the elec guitar piss canadians off?

because it pisses off Americans... And I'm the expert of getting crap about playing the Star Spangled Banner on the electric guitar
don't take this question the wrong way...
does playing it on the elec guitar piss canadians off?

because it pisses off Americans... And I'm the expert of getting crap about playing the Star Spangled Banner on the electric guitar

And yet we'll put up with Snookie. We'll make sure to keep up with the Kardashians. And we'll watch as our politicians play an endless game of "I know you are, but what am I?" in an election year. The Star Spangled Banner played on electric guitar...yup...that's the problem. Thank God we have our priorities straight. Where is my red, white, and blue facepalm emoticon? F 'em, Jeries. Keep doing what you do. Oh, and nice job, Scott!!
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