Scenes and Presets

Nagi Mysore

Do you all generally use more than one preset per song which may generally have different amps or mostly use one preset and multiple scenes per song. Just wanted to know what people are generally doing. I am more an enthusiast playing in my basement and just wante to know how the experts are using the AXE FX II

Thanks for your inputs.
Everyone's use is different some ppl do not scenes at all other like me have scenes in every preset we have
I play in a cover (mostly) band and use 1 preset per song, set each scene for the different parts of the song in order. Then just have to use one pedal (increment scene) while I play the song. No pedal dance for me.
I'm in a wedding / cover band also, and we play a very wide range of music. I also set up one preset per one or more songs and I have over 50 presets now for the 80 or so songs that we play. I didn't have an MFC until a few days ago, so I haven't used scenes yet. I use IAs to turn effects on and off within the preset when I need to, which works really well because I allocate 10 switches to presets and then assign the effects I need to the other IAs on a preset-by-preset basis using external assignments. I'm looking forward to using scenes for those songs where the sound changes radically within the tune (like switching from acoustic to electric) where it is more than a simple state change of an effect block. I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to set all this up (mixing scenes and presets) on the MFC, but I'm sure there's a way. I'm just taking things one step at a time.
Do you all generally use more than one preset per song which may generally have different amps or mostly use one preset and multiple scenes per song. Just wanted to know what people are generally doing. I am more an enthusiast playing in my basement and just wante to know how the experts are using the AXE FX II

Thanks for your inputs.

I use both but I'm trying to move more towards multiple scenes. For leads I'm using a filter block just to boost the volume and either switching to a different setting(XY) with my drive block or changing my amp settings(XY) for more gain and at the same time reduce the amount of doubler and raise the echo using scenes. For cleans I just switch to another preset.
Another cover band guy... mostly I'm still using my MFC presets from before Scenes, and I've added scenes to a couple of the presets. I only use one preset per song.
Scenes in every song (4 per, which are tied to the 4 button external switch I have hooked up to the MFC), one preset per song. I use REVEAL for full use of the "Goodie Room", so I have a bank of 15 songs on the IAs and when I need extra FX outside what I have programmed in Scenes I hit reveal and have all the IAs as individual FX. I use 3 external pedals- one dedicated for volume (before the preset, acts as a foot activated "volume pot"), one for wah (which is auto-engaged, the Wah IA under Reveal is for X/Y) and one for Pitch/Shimmer/ect. I recently bought a fourth (Mission) and will either use it as a back-up or maybe throw it on the board permanently (but I'm pretty covered as is).

Just "realigned" my MFC switch circus today, it's awesome how infinitely programmable this baby is....
Covers again (yeah, who'd have thought... ;))

We have always built a number of presets starting with a few Acoustic tones, five or six Cleans, through a few Dirty ones, then some Rocky ones through to Metal, followed by a dozen Leads of differing flavour and finally, any special / freaky presets. Once that list of varying presets has been built, we just decide when working on a song which ones we want to use / would be most appropriate, assign a Program Change in the sequencer and that's that.

I did wonder whether I would get into Scenes with the II, but nah, no need really given that our usual approach works well :encouragement:
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