Scene Swapping is AWESOME!

Joe Bfstplk

Just dug into this while doing some "amp audition presets" maintenance and updates, and discovered the screen on the AxeFX that lets you SWAP SCENES also kindly remembers which two scenes you were swapping last, and does not reset these to defaults after saving and switching presets, so it works great for swapping the same two scenes across a group of presets working "horizontally" across the set. :)

Edit (for clarity)
I am using a combined approach of AxeEdit and Layout->Tools->SWAP SCENES to be able to switch presets, hit execute, and move on. If you need to do the same swap on a bunch of presets, this makes quick work of it. :) As long as you don't turn the big knob or hop out of the Layout->Tools->SWAP SCENES it remembers what you did last and stays "outside the preset" when you switch them in AxeFX. :) Very cool and helpful behavior....
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