Scene question: is this possible?


Power User
Have a LF+ 12+ foot controller that I have a really hard time with...I'm not a programmer, and even just trying to update the firmware from where I am now (v 1.73) to the current 4.10 firmware recently crippled the controller completely until I did a full restore. And repeated attempts to reach out to Jeff haven't proved very fruitful. But...

Anyway, I'm wading back in to try to make my rig more versatile. I am trying to use scenes instead of presets for the first time.

Q1: is it possible to tell the AFX or the controller to simply ignore the unused scenes, so that if you are cycling through, it will go 1, 2, 3, 1 if you only have 3 scenes you want to use within a preset?

What I would like to do is set up a way to cycle through only 3-4 of the 8 scenes available via an up/down switch on one of the expression pedal inputs. I have a switch like that already that I used elsewhere...if I remember right the sleeve grounds either the tip or the ring according to whether you've hit up or down.

Q2: is that feasible? Or do I just have to have a set of the buttons on the controller allocated for each scene?

You could use steps in the LF to cycle thru the scenes you want in the preset. You cannot skip scenes on the axefx with scene incr/decr
I normally only use 2 scenes, clean and driven, I copy and paste the other 6 and just use 1 switch to just go up. then I set up bypass or x y to toggle the other stuff, what ever it is, in that preset.
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