Wish Scene Manager Page Update - Show more info (mockup included)


Hi Everyone,

I made this mockup of the Scene Mgr screen in FM3 Edit. I like how easy it is to quickly view and alter the blocks (and channels) per preset. However, I sometimes forget which type of effect I have on each channel. I made this mockup in photoshop of something I think will work better, and provide more detailed information from a single screen.

Each engaged block will have a green box around the channel selector, while the disengaged have an orange box around the channel selector. Each channels effect type is laid out next to the channel selector. To turn on or off a block, simply click the channel, while the dropdown would allow you to select channels. It would be nice to have this dropdown menu also show the names of the other three channels when selecting.

It would also be pretty cool if, when a user loads a saved block preset, that preset name is displayed instead of the stock effect name.

It would also be beneficial to display the input gate threshold (or have the option to) in this screen, as there are no different input block types.

Anyway, let me know what you think!

Not sure why I made the delay types all caps, but im too tired to change it. It must be because theyre all bypassed and they want love :smiley:

FM3 Scene Manager Edit Mockup.jpg
It's a nice solution to remove the bypass buttons from every column with this new "2-status button".

My experience with the Scene Manager is that this window would need a time-saver configuration, related to the quantity of columns. The four columns are not enough for the quantity of blocks that a preset usually has.

For me, it would be more useful to have more columns in the scene manager, using the new "2-status button" designed by @Kablesp

Something like this:

Scn Mgr.png

Bypassed blocks are grey. Enabled ones are orange.

I would also like the following additions:

1- Every time a preset is loaded, columns show the blocks following the order of the chain signal.
I load the preset 7. First column shows Input1, 2nd shows Amp1, 3rd shows Cab1, 4th shows Out1.​
Then I load preset 8. First column shows In1, 2nd shows Drive1, 3rd shows Wah1, 4th shows Amp1, etc.​

2- If a preset has more blocks than the qty of columns of the scene manager, enable a horizontal scroll bar to go left/right and see all blocks in all columns.

3- Drag and drop the columns to change the order (swap columns).
We could also have a "fold/unfold column" button, like this:

Scn Mgr with * info.png

Adding this "fold/unfold" button to the columns, Scene Manager would show the info of the block channel. As example, clicking the delay column button, Scene Manager will show this information:

Scn Mgr with * unfolded.png
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