Scene Config and Change Latency


Hi, everyone...

A pretty basic question, it seems, but I'm having a difficult time configuring something properly. When I'm configuring scenes, I hear many factory scenes where there is no latency between changing scenes from within a preset. You just change it and the sound changes, no delay at all, no drop-out of your sound or whatever. What am I doing incorrectly that I get that delay between scenes?

Any time-based effect carries over, but I have a drop-out in my sound. It's momentary, but distracting. I know it has to be something I'm overlooking. This is even between scenes where the only difference is a gain setting, but everything else is identical.

We have no idea what you are doing, so, to figure it out we will have to ask multiple questions.

Instead, export your preset and attach it to your post so we can poke around inside it. A preset, like a photograph, is worth 10,000 words.
The factory presets are there to provide a quick path to getting usable sounds, and to educate by example.

Take one you like, copy it to another slot, click the Snapshot tool (the camera icon), then start adjusting. For every change you make play through the preset switching scenes and, if you like how it performs, click the Snapshot tool again. If you don’t like it, use the pop up under the Snapshot tool’s icon and select the previously save snapshot and the editor will reload that version so you can try again. Do that iteratively, and when you are happy Save the preset.
One scene shows the amp in Block A. The scene with the only change being more gain shows the amp in Block B, but everything else is still in Block A.

When I attempt to put the amp into Block A for the scene with more gain, adjust it and save it, it just overwrites the scene with less gain... :D

I basically suck at this LOL!
Why not add drive block for added gain?..or a modifier to add gain. U can also use two amps, just make sure to set it to “mute” when in bypass.
One scene shows the amp in Block A. The scene with the only change being more gain shows the amp in Block B, but everything else is still in Block A.

When I attempt to put the amp into Block A for the scene with more gain, adjust it and save it, it just overwrites the scene with less gain... :D

I basically suck at this LOL!
to make a Scene different, go to the new Scene first.

then change the Channel in the block and adjust the settings.

then it will be different compared to the original Scene.
One scene shows the amp in Block A. The scene with the only change being more gain shows the amp in Block B, but everything else is still in Block A.
Changing channels on the Amp block is a surefire way to get an audio gap.

Instead, use 2 Amp blocks as change between the 2 blocks.
Do ALL channel changes create latency, or are there certain blocks that do and others that don't?
Do ALL channel changes create latency, or are there certain blocks that do and others that don't?

I've found it to happen when switching between some drive blocks, but it totally depends on the models. I've even found some amp models that can switch with no perceptible gap with Channels, but again, it just depends on the specific models.
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