Saving envelope settings with block?


I'm probably going to mess up some of the terminology here as I'm not at the FM9 atm, but I recently set up a wah block and set the controller to envelope, then tweaked the settings of the envelope, specifically the offset. I saved the block to the library, but when I recall it, the controller/envelope settings don't load with it.
Is there a way to save the envelope settings? Not a big deal to go tweak it again, but would be nice to be able to load it as it's part of the sound of the auto-wah.

Hopefully that made sense lol - any help appreciated!
There is! You can save channel settings for your controllers: In the preset where you have the envelope control you want, click the Controllers button in FM9-Edit, and save the channel or block to your library.
I wasn't aware you could save the Controllers "block" to the block library. That's pretty cool!
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