Sat switch thought

On another aspect of the Sat switch, I noticed on one of my presets it didn't seem to change anything. I was using the ODS-100 Clean amp and going back and forth between on and off seemed to do nothing at all. Is this intended with this amp model? It performed as everyone has mentioned with some of the other amp models. I haven't gone through each and every model yet, but just curious.
Whining pays off sometimes! Mommy and Daddy gives in!

As for myself,.....dialing in quick patches for gigs....I like the old.....but taking my time and feeling out and exploring the palettes of amps....I'd like the new!
On another aspect of the Sat switch, I noticed on one of my presets it didn't seem to change anything. I was using the ODS-100 Clean amp and going back and forth between on and off seemed to do nothing at all. Is this intended with this amp model? It performed as everyone has mentioned with some of the other amp models. I haven't gone through each and every model yet, but just curious.
I will add a Sat Switch behavior parameter for the next firmware: Authentic or Ideal. Ideal will have the old behavior.

Problem Solved

the more authentic the Axe becomes, the better (IMHO). that there would be complaining was to be expected. great that (once again) you provide a solution that makes everybody happy.
the more authentic the Axe becomes, the better (IMHO). that there would be complaining was to be expected. great that (once again) you provide a solution that makes everybody happy.

in some areas there will always be that fine line between what is real / authentic from a 'emulation of the real thing' standpoint
and what is practical / optimal from a performance standpoint

the killer thing with the Axe is that you can get to have your cake and eat it.. and in a way that real amps can't too
I think a simple block level output compensation for the authentic sat switch would be a perfect solution. That way you could actually choose between the tone of the two new sat options as opposed to having to choose between them based on tone vs convenience.
I think it would be better to have it level compensated (post MV). That way the accuracy remains (other than level), but you don't get a volume drop. Best of both worlds.

For me that would be idea as well; I love the distortion character the SAT switch adds to some amps and it's been a wish list item for me to have the SAT control level compensated post MV (or even adjustable to set the amount of level boost for a solo, etc.). Actually, if it had a "Threshold" adjustment for the clipping threshold (simulating the Zener diode voltage rating...I think it's been mentioned the SAT simulates the Arrendondo mod??) I'd go go even further, adjustable symmetry/asymmetry for the clipping pair....
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