Sad but true

I'll have to listen to this again on something better than my iPod speaker. This is the song that made me want to play guitar. This song IMHO has the most unbelievably heavy guitar tone ever recorded!!! Hetfield actually used a baritone tuned an octave lower than D and doubled the Daaaah, dunt dunt part of the riff. If you watch A Year and a Hal in the life of Metallica (which I've seen HUNDREDS of times, lol) they show him tracking that part of the riff. The camera starts shaking and Hetfield is just grinning from ear to ear just going "heh heh!!!". Monstrous riff and well, now I need to go crank me some SBT.

Please post the preset. Hetfield used the MKIIC+ into a Marshall EL-34 power amp and Marshall cabs. I'd be interested in seeing what you used.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
i don't think james used a mark iic+ on sad but true-
i know what he did use... and i had it...and had the EXACT FLAWLESS sad but true tone
...if i told you i'd have to kill you...

ok...fine... i'll tell you- to get the SAD BUT TRUE SOUND
get a Mesa Boogie Triaxis- get a hetfield like tone ( i used to have hetfields actual settings programed in my triaxis)
NOW to get from Hetfield Crunch to Sad But True insanity-

Theres a setting called DYNAMIC VOICE
this is a weird EQ kind of thing somewhat a replacement for the built in EQ like a Mark series boogie...
it also causes controversy in boogie world because it has an op-amp and people think the distortion comes from it rather than the tubes but in reality the op amp only is used in the dynamic voice- it's almost like an EXAGGERATOR for your current EQ settings.

Hetfield sound+ Dynamic Voice on 10= SAD BUT TRUE perfectly
Hetfield definitely did NOT use a Triaxis on Sad But True. I used to have a Triaxis and yes, it can get close to that sound, but not quite exactly. I'll do some digging but I don't think the Triaxis was even out at the time they recorded The Black Album. There are a few moments where you can see his IIC+ in the studio and several interviews that I've read that state they tried MANY different amps, but kept coming back to the IIC+.

i don't think james used a mark iic+ on sad but true-
i know what he did use... and i had it...and had the EXACT FLAWLESS sad but true tone
...if i told you i'd have to kill you...

ok...fine... i'll tell you- to get the SAD BUT TRUE SOUND
get a Mesa Boogie Triaxis- get a hetfield like tone ( i used to have hetfields actual settings programed in my triaxis)
NOW to get from Hetfield Crunch to Sad But True insanity-

Theres a setting called DYNAMIC VOICE
this is a weird EQ kind of thing somewhat a replacement for the built in EQ like a Mark series boogie...
it also causes controversy in boogie world because it has an op-amp and people think the distortion comes from it rather than the tubes but in reality the op amp only is used in the dynamic voice- it's almost like an EXAGGERATOR for your current EQ settings.

Hetfield sound+ Dynamic Voice on 10= SAD BUT TRUE perfectly
Metallica had triaxiseses before they were released/sold to the public.

There was something else James used always with the Mark IIC+ and ON ITS OWN Master/Andjustice/Black+

A Mesa Boogie Quad Preamp
I own one- it's amazing.
Sold my triaxis the second i plugged in my quad pre- it's insane.
Same here. Owned the Triaxis, (two of them) and when I first plugged into the Studio Pre and the Quad... well to me it made the Triaxis sound thin, sterile and lifeless in comparison... IMHO. Couldn't fill the shoes of the Rectifier neither after comparing it to the Rec Preamp and the Dual Rec. Sold both Triaxis's in a flash. Again, IMHO the Studio and the Quad are two of the best preamps ever made... from the cleans all the way to "the shit" they can deliver.

Metallica had triaxiseses before they were released/sold to the public.

There was something else James used always with the Mark IIC+ and ON ITS OWN Master/Andjustice/Black+

A Mesa Boogie Quad Preamp
I own one- it's amazing.
Sold my triaxis the second i plugged in my quad pre- it's insane.

Trust me I know the Quad Preamp. I had one I used with my 2:90. Funny thing... I sold mine to get the Triaxis. LOL!!! I preferred the Quad actually, but the programability was what I was after. I had some crushing heavy tones with that Quad. Dang now I miss my Quad. Time to go play my II. Crap, I forgot I'm in the middle of a movie with my wife.

I've never read anything about Hetfield using a JCM 800 after Ride the Lightning.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
Channel 1 (or 2 I can't remember) is actually the MKIIC+ Preamp. The other Channel is a MKIII.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
up thru AND JUSTICE he used JCM800's as power amps then they started using the boogie stuff for power amps...

and you're right about it not stacking up 'rectifier' sound wise... that's where the ROAD KING comes in...

Between my amps and Axe i can pretty much do anything- and i've been too lazy to mic anything lately
The Black album was Bob Rock .
I would be willing to bet there are Boogie Mks .Marshall ,Jc120, Ac30 ,Hiwatt on that album.
Bob has an extensive amp collection there is probably a lot more going on then what was put in print in the Mags...

Kirk Hammett: "I used a Bradshaw because the mids were clean and the low end sounded real percussive. The harmonic distortion also sounded nice and dirty. For the highs we used two Marshalls. We combined all the sounds and put the Bradshaw pre-amp through a VHT power-amp. We put it all through Marshall cabinets with 30-watt speakers and blended all the room mikes. My sound is a lot thicker and punchier than before, and I think it's better than ever. For the majority of the leads on this album I used a third ESP guitar. I also used my 1989 black Gibson Les Paul Custom. For the clean sound, I used a '61 stock white Strat [stratocaster] and a Fender blac- face Deluxe. I also used a '53 Gibson ES-295 style, and an ESP Les Paul Junior with EMG pickups."
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I read somewhere that James used a IIC+ into a Marshall power amp. The dual mono block one. He also used an Aphex parametric EQ to notch out a few frequencies. Up to 12 mics were used on his rhythm guitars.

The Black Album took just over a year to make. It cost over 1 million dollars. On top of that it ENDED three marriages!!! I say it was worth it. Except for the fact that it truly marked the decline of the greatest thrash metal band ever. They haven't put out a great album since TBA.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
The Black album was Bob Rock .
I would be willing to bet there are Boogie Mks .Marshall ,Jc120, Ac30 ,Hiwatt on that album.
Bob has an extensive amp collection there is probably a lot more going on then what was put in print in the Mags...

Kirk Hammett: "I used a Bradshaw because the mids were clean and the low end sounded real percussive. The harmonic distortion also sounded nice and dirty. For the highs we used two Marshalls. We combined all the sounds and put the Bradshaw pre-amp through a VHT power-amp. We put it all through Marshall cabinets with 30-watt speakers and blended all the room mikes. My sound is a lot thicker and punchier than before, and I think it's better than ever. For the majority of the leads on this album I used a third ESP guitar. I also used my 1989 black Gibson Les Paul Custom. For the clean sound, I used a '61 stock white Strat [stratocaster] and a Fender blac- face Deluxe. I also used a '53 Gibson ES-295 style, and an ESP Les Paul Junior with EMG pickups."

they used A TON of gear on the album- this quote doesn't even mention the ADA MP-1 and Kirk used that a ton at the time too- in fact i have a GUITAR WORLD METALLICA book which is basically every guitar world interview in a 200page book...
talks alot about the ADA unit...
i think most of the solos were with the bradshaw pre- he tried the same solo on every guitar picked the amp/guitar that was best (without knowning which was which when listening back) and mostly used that

i could talk for a hours about metallica gear-
i've owned everything they've used at some point except a C+ and a dunlop rack wah
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