Rush Cygnus X-1 The Voyage


Fractal Fanatic
The amp is the Wrecker 1 with an FAS LED drive in front for the crunch rhythm and an Eternal Love drive for the solo. The cab is the OH 412 MAR CB V30 Studio Mod Ultra-Res. All reverb and other processing is either Axe-FX II or embedded in the stem tracks. All I added was a mono guitar overdub for the riff at 7:20.

I'd be grateful for any constructive criticism on the tone. I tried hard to get as close as I could to the recorded version.

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Very cool....are you playing over the recorded guitar parts, is this an original master backing track, or did you do your best to mute Alex's guitars with some software program?
Very cool....are you playing over the recorded guitar parts, is this an original master backing track, or did you do your best to mute Alex's guitars with some software program?

It's a backing track mixed from the original master tracks which I found online. I had to splice in a little of the original stereo track where some of the vocal had dropped out just before the guitar solo, so you can hear a little of the original guitar track fading out at the beginning of the solo.
Sounds great! I forgot about this song, haven't listened to it since highschool probably. It's badass.
HUGE Cygnus fan! Maybe their best work. Certainly among their most creative and complicated. Love it.

Sounds really good. You nailed that tone, and in a very different way than Alex did. Nice work. A lot of music to memorize!
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