Running Axe FX 2 in 4CM and through amp head power amp / cab

I currently run my Axe 2 using 4CM with my Marshall head and 4x12 cabinet.. works great. I also from time to time like to just use the Axe 2 modeled amps and run through the Marshall FX return and out through the marshall cab.. this gives me the ability to use other amp sounds..

My question.. is there a way for me to setup the output volume so I can switch between a "4CM" preset and a normal modeled amp preset without having to manually adjust output controls on front of Axe before switching? Currently for 4CM mode, I max out the out 1 and out 2 volumes to get unity gain.. unfortunately, that setup doesnt work for modeled amps.. I need to turn the out 1 volume way down to get the same volume..

Any thoughts on how to acheive similar volumes?


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Max the volumes like you're doing, and adjust the output level of the modelled amp to compensate. Usually about -15dB to -12dB is what I'm doing.
Max the volumes like you're doing, and adjust the output level of the modelled amp to compensate. Usually about -15dB to -12dB is what I'm doing.

thanks.. wasn't sure if there was a more global way to do it beyond having to adjust amp output for each effected preset... i will give it a shot..
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