Room parameter

Hoping someone here has both the Axe-FX III and Quad Cortex. In the QC's IR loader, there is a param called "Room". Turning that to 30% makes using headphones sound so good. I just can't seem to recreate this with the Axe-FX. I've tried Room in the cab block and Enhancer. Maybe I need to make multiple adjustments, but I can't find the combination. :) If anyone has both units and can reproduce the same effect in headphones as the QC's IR Loader room effect in the Axe-FX III, I would so much appreciate it.
Thanks for any help!
Trying turning down the Late Level/Mix or turning up the Early reflections in the reverb block. Creates more of a "room mic" sound than a reverb fx sound.
Room got a lot of tweaks possible. Did you try to mess with reflections and such?

Room, chamber, and Ambience reverbs work well too.

One trick I sometimes use is to set the reverb to 100% wet while I dial in the particular "room" sound I want sort of like a solo'd room mic. Then dial back the mix to taste to bring the sound more up front. Works great with headphones.
I also do this when I want to have a amp in room feel.
Early reflections settings in the reverb block is also a great thing to look for.

This combined with the room makes playing at home really fun.
Thanks all! I'll try these tips. I will also try to get a recording of it up here. I just like how easy it is and how good it sounds on the QC, so I was hoping someone here had a QC and knew exactly what it was doing so I could recreate it on the Axe-FX without trying a million things. :)
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