Revv and Dumble EV12s cab...


These two are great.

I have a preset that has the three Revv colors at agression level 1 (others are too much for me, yes I'm a metalhead :)) and one clean Plexi (that will be probably replaced if the Revv Blue comes out) connected to the Rumble EV12s cab. That V30 nastiness is out, but the treble is still there.

This amp into this cab is great, so I wanted to share the preset. I have pickups with high output, so adjust gain to your taste.


  • 230708-revv-plexi-dumble12s.syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 76
The two amp blocks are identical and they are there for gapless switching. The second cab block is for auto impedance matching of amp 2.
What kmachman was asking is why the second cab block is detached from the chain. As it is when you load the preset it's doing nothing.

Also, scenes 2-8 are all exactly the same. They just engage the 2nd pitch block. Not sure we're getting what you intended for us to hear.

That said, after attaching the 2nd cab scene 1 does sound pretty nice.

I use gapless presets, in which there are two identical amp blocks. Amp 2 is the one that is always running, and Amp 1 gets active only while switching channels.

I get the impedance data from the (dyna)cab block. @Joe Bfstplk , I do this because the SICs that are manually set seem to be a little different from the data that comes automatically.

Since Amp 1 gets the auto impedance data from Cab 1, and Amp 2 gets it from Cab 2, I keep two cab blocks. The first one is that I actually use, and the second one is only for the Amp 2's impedance data, which is my main amp block.

A nice feature about the auto impedance data would be that if there is 2 amp blocks and one cab block only, both amps get the data from Cab 1. Then, I wouldn't need the second cab block in a preset like this.
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