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Revisited Old AC15TB/TWreck - presets

Joe Bfstplk

In going through my 'favorite amps' presets and saving each amp and cab combination as its own block in the block library to regain some space, I happened to pause on a few presets I'd made with the AC15TB and each of the T'Wreck amps. Man, they sound good now, after several major firmware updates!
Yeah the TW models have been extra blowing my mind... Actually a bunch of other models I largely ignored have also been sounding really good... either my ears are getting less discerning or some magic is happening. I'm suffering from even more analysis paralysis than I did before but what a great problem to have! :)
I'll have to revisit the TWs myself based on your comment @Joe Bfstplk. The AC15TB is one of my faves, and I have most definitely been digging it with latest firmware. If the wrecks are advancing too, they need a listen.
Transformed my old AC15+TW L'Pool preset with one of my new "gas pedal" templates. It uses 26 modifiers - enought that there is a noticeable increase in CPU usage on the meter as a result, as compared to a similar bunch of blocks using the usual methods of control (i.e., scenes and such). :D

Bottom 5/6 of pedal is the AC15TB, with increasing drive from 1/3 to 5/6 of pedal travel, then crossfades to the TW L'Pool as you go from 5/6 to fully toe-down, with delay on the TW L'Pool.

3 scenes:
  1. Dry
  2. Leslie (bottom 1/3 of pedal)
  3. Chorus/Flange (chorus - bottom 1/2 of pedal, flange - bottom 1/6 of pedal)
Dry, as one might expect, has no effect on the AC15.

Leslie blends in as you slide down into the bottom 1/3 of pedal travel and is full on when the pedal is fully heel-down.

Chorus blends in as you slide down into the bottom 1/2 of pedal travel, with added flange coming in as you move into the bottom 1/6, and is fully mixed in when the pedal is fully heel-down.

PRESET: AC15+TW L'Pool Template 3B.syx (use 'save as' to download)
Always loved the AC15. Maybe because I used to have a '60's one, although that was a well loved old dog that just could never stay healthy. But Fractal modeling bounces around like a puppy again, even if it doesn't have the old dog smell. As much as I enjoy the Trainwrecks and AC20, they're really different animals, and the organic character of the AC15 with old timer gain settings is still immensely satisfying.
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