Resources for playing Slide


Want to learn some open E slide Allman Bros tracks - anyone have any good resources, books, web sites, anything to help with patterns etc in open E? having trouble finding a whole lot about it - and this shit is hard !
Any info would be appreciated ! :cool:
Warren Haynes: Electric Blues and Slide Guitar. DVD. $14.99 When purchased from the Amazons (last time I looked).

Helped me to get the feet knocking out of my slide playin.
On second thought.... I'm not sure the Haynes DVD is open E.... I will have to check. There is some useful stuff on Sonny Landreth's web page ( he's got some great fretting behind the slide technique. If you search "Sonny Landreth Lesson" on you tube - you'll hit the mother lode (or, landreth lode as the case may be).
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