Request: VARIAC on amp models


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mark_melling said:
You attack as a means to divert attention from any kind of contradiction to your opinions, which you pass off as "fact"

Haha, you just hit the nail on the head right there. He is doing this to me constantly in another thread (Demanufacture patch). It's very annoying, but at least I haven't gotten any e-threats yet! :shock:

Anyways, I am going to have to agree with Tone Freak :eek: on the inclusion of the variac parameter. I would probably never end up actually using it, and its a very subtle effect from the comparison clips I have heard, but I think it's always a good thing to have more options available.
mark_melling said:
You are under the delusion of your own flawed have obvious emotional insecurities, in that you feel threatened by any kind of contradiction to your statements.

<ore claims with no evidence to support them. Nice pattern you got going.

You attack as a means to divert attention from any kind of contradiction to your opinions, which you pass off as "fact"

It is not my opinion that the Axe is very transparent and sterile. I am not the first to suggest this. Even in the thread of that subject matter the majority agreed it was just an honest unit with no color. Honestly emulating the amps, but the effects and processing blocks are very transparent with no signature sound to them. Thats not my opinion. Its a fact.

And by the way - nice try - but actually, i only defend when someone is rude or responds in poor taste. And the evidence does not redound to your claim to my attack only for disagreement - as on other threads, there are people who disagree with me, but I respond in a civil way because they disagreed courteously, and I debated them in a mutually respectful exchange. There were a few misunderstandings here and there but like rational ad civilized people, we clarified our reasonings and went on. So there is a difference in the general courteous way to disagree instead of a phlegmatic way as you have demonstrated enough times now.

As a last resort you send threatening emails, (says all i need to know about you) while trying to disguise who you are on the forum with an attempt at intellectual civility.

Its just too bad you still have failed to show when I ever threatened you. It seems you have a difficulty with reading english. Challenging someone to make their attempts in public is not a threat but a challenge to see what fabric they are made of, to see how they would attempt such a challenge in public and to see if they do so in the same way or in the cowardly way you did. But you have not shown any clear cut proof that you were threatened. You just now misinterpret it that way (probabily on purpose) because you are angry with the fact that I gave the Axe FX an honest review about its lack of character to its overall global sound. Otherwise, if it really was a threat you would have brought that to the attention of someone. And at last resort I send people PMs to clarify what their position is and ask hem questions only if threads are deleted.

Your threats to me kept me amused and this was some weeks ago and i have never mentioned it to anyone until now.

Because you are pissed off that I have demonstrated the limits to the Axe. And that I did so based on solid evidence.

Yek has given more to this forum than you will do in your lifetime.

I have given more in my few posts in this Variac request thread alone (which I did not even start by the way), which is more of a contribution here than either you or Yek have given in all of your posts combined in all Fractal threads, in addition to any other of amateurs who do not deserve to be playing an Axe - amateurs who laugh at a variac in this forum - but really showing a lack of true knowledge on the subject and it's epic modification among such players such as Van Halen... fully giving me reason to question why they even own a machine like the Axe - a machine which will have such a modification in the next operating system. And if it is left out, then the company Fractal Audio will be missing out on the appeal to many many Guitar Rig 4 users who use that mod alot.

You will read this already formulating in your mind your reply before even finishing the sentences you will have no effect on you and is not for your benefit but for anyone caring to read this.

I am just defending against your false statements which now you are twisting into "threats" with no justification for doing so as you show no backing evidential support for now suddenly calling my messages threats.

i think its necessary when disagreements turn into threatening emails. As i stated i have not mentioned it before but as soon as i saw yek having the same experience it was time to speak up.

Once again, a failed attempt at showing a claim to a threat. Yek can feel free to post what I wrote to him. You are distorting me, I wrote it to him as a response to a thread that was deleted by a moderator for no good reason. it was not a threat so dont start lying about what I did, and dont twist my position. You are really showing your true colors now.
DawnOfIniquity said:
mark_melling said:
You attack as a means to divert attention from any kind of contradiction to your opinions, which you pass off as "fact"

Haha, you just hit the nail on the head right there. He is doing this to me constantly in another thread (Demanufacture patch). It's very annoying, but at least I haven't gotten any e-threats yet! :shock:

What have i done to you that was unsportsmanlike in the Demanufacture thread? That is a very important thread for me because it is my ideal tone. So I need to know what I have done wrong there. You are the one who threw it off topic with a talk about bridges. If you feel that I was out of line you need to show where in that. But that is a very inquisitive thread so I was sharing the reasoning as I see logical, because it is a very specific series of steps to get that tone, and many of those steps are missing because we do not have all the available knowledge. There can only be one truth about how that tone was acquired so please just clarify your concerns in that thread.

Anyways, I am going to have to agree with Tone Freak :eek: on the inclusion of the variac parameter. I would probably never end up actually using it, and its a very subtle effect from the comparison clips I have heard.

Which clips?
Tone_freak Wrote - dont start lying about what I did, and dont twist my position. You are really showing your true colors now.


Interesting word you used..LYING, would that encompass coming on this forum as this person


And then trying to con people with the user name you are now using??

I invite anyone to take a look at all my posts and discern for themselves whether there is honesty in my character, I offer nothing in my defense
but what my own posts testify about me.

I also suggest a review of your posts..yes your alias as well, using the same discernment to see whether there is honesty in your character, I make no accusations..your own words will testify exactly who you are.

Character is established over time..not as i described earlier by some show of intellectual servility when the occasion calls for it.

Yeks character is well established on here and has been for a long time, your attempts to belittle have only alienated you further from anyone wanting to
help you in any way.

I genuinely hope you take a look at your attitude, i wish you no harm, but you are really going to struggle through life unless you develop your social skills
and manners.
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