Report after getting the Axe Fx


Well, it's been 2 weeks since I got the Axe Fx Ultra and this unit keeps getting more amazing, the more I use it. I decided to finally sell my Mesa Roadster, I'll probably still keep my Budda Super drive II 45 just as a back up and also because I don't think the Axe Fx can not emulate it since it has KT 66 tubes. I'll also keep my Vox AC 15 Heritage just because is a cool looking amp an it has the EP86 tube. I just joined a band for the first time since 1998 because I had to quit do to severe pain and left wrist issues.which thanks to major surgery I'm back to playing with more than 75 % recovery(and with the help of low action & super tall frets!) We are playing songs from Queen, Boston, AC/DC, Weezer, Journey, Tom Petty, Van Halen and also some current stuff and I've been able to nail all the sounds from those bands. I'm using a 64 Strat with EMG, 57 Reissue w/ a Warmoth neck and Kinman single coil pickups,Les Paul w/EMG 81 pick ups and a Jackson(unknown) protype w/ Gibson classic 59 pickups then I go thru a GCX system with a bunch of pedals(Radial tone Bone,Fulltone GT 500, MXR 10 band eq etc) a Line 6 M13 mainly for Looping throught the FX loop. I plug the Axe Fx into a B&K ST140 power amp(which I probably replace since is to delicate to take out) through 2 Mesa 4 x 12 cab. One of the things that amazes me about the Ax FX is how bright it sounds, I had to boost the high freq with an eq in front of my amps, exept for the AC 15 to get the the brightness that I like. I still need to experiment with the cab simulation and I'll post more so you guys can check it out. I also most say that this forum is filled with the nicest and most helpful people than any other forum I ever belonged too! Keep it up!!!!! Please excuse my grammar, Spanish is my main language!
Hello eljodon, you have preaty nice stuff man! Glad you are happy with your AXE. What amp sim did you use to nail the WEEZER tone?? i love the blue and green album of them. In the blue album Rivers used an amp very similar to the MK1 Mesa boogie head, but it seems it´s not a boogie, anyway the amp get lost an that sound is kind of difficult to replicate. Sorry for my bad english,same main language.
Welcome! And this post looks fine, Language-wise!

Congratulations on the recovery of your wrist and the aquisition of the Axe-FX!

Congrat on your Axe experience. I've been using it for 7 months and still loving it.

I want to play some Boston as well but have difficulty getting the tone. The patches I've found are extremely noisy and my own attempts are not getting close to the high end / harmonizing aspects. I'd be interested to hear your thoughs on what makes a good boston sound:

- Axe Amp / Cab Settings.
- Effects.
- Guitar / pickups
- Guitar Settings.
Wow you have a lot of amps hehe. Am I the only one who find Weezer out of place in that list of classic rock bands? They're not a bad band, I just don't think that most Journey / Boston / Queen fans will appreciate the Weezer stuff. I would think twice about playing that particular band's music....I could be wrong though.

By the way you must have a hell of a singer to do Journey and Boston stuff. Or the singer is a woman :)
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