Renaming Preset weirdness


Fractal Fanatic
I just started working with the 15 beta via AE 3.00.09.
When launching AE, it did the updating of parameters for the new firmware and everything appeared to be working fine.

But if I simply rename a Preset and then click on the big red Save button to save the newly named Preset to the Axe, very often when I come back to that Preset it still has the old name.
I can't really reproduce this on command.
It seems intermittent.
It seems that if I also alter another parameter in say the Amp Block and then rename the Preset (rather than just renaming the Preset) the Preset name will hold.
It also seems that if I use the Menu item, Save Preset, rather than the big red Save button that the Preset name will stick too.

At first I thought this might have something to do with Global Blocks 8 9 and 10 again (because the Presets I'm working with use Global Amp Blocks 1 thru 10) but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Is anybody else out there experiencing anything similar?

Hopefully it'll be fixed when the non-beta and/or new version of AE come out.
Or am I possibly doing something wrong?
I've seen this a few times too. Try clicking enter after you rename the preset or click somewhere else in Axe-Edit so your cursor is no longer in the preset name box. I'm pretty sure the reason it works the other times is because you're leaving the preset name box before you save.
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