Reliability for purchasing used units


Fractal Fanatic
I'm considering buying a used XL. Looking for feedback on whether or not problems occur on these units very often and if so how much out of pocket it would be to get them repaired... Basically just need some feedback to help me make an educated decision. Thx guys!
I wouldn't hesitate to buy used Fractal gear. Make sure the seller isn't scamming you. But otherwise go for it. After-warranty service from Fractal is stellar.
I have had my xl since middle of 2014 (almost 2 years now, wow time flies!) and I have had 0 issues. it Has been thrown around some, it gets set up away from home almost every week. I also have an Ultra I bought used quite some time back, that my son threw around in a home made wood rack case for over a year before I bought an axe fx II, and it is still going strong! Fractal stuff is tuff!
I have to say I have not heard a whole lot, in terms of reliability issues. It is proving itself to be a roadworthy, tough piece of gear.
There are plenty of Ultra's for sale out there and they are still kicking, that should say something. Also most people that
are selling their Ultra's are only doing so in order to upgrade to the axe-ii.
I am glad I did not have to get rid of the ultra to upgrade! It is great to have around for a back up and for when friends come to play!
I'm phobic about gear. I'd rather have it new, just to know what it's been through. But Fractal stuff seems different. As long as you're assured that it's a functioning unit and will be shipped properly I see no reason to not buy a use XL...
I would have no issue buying any Fractal gear used, if you can get a good deal. Warranty isn't a big deal to me though, like it is for some. If it breaks, I send it in for repair....not the end of the world.
For the prices that used current Fractal gear can go for I'd rather spend a few more bucks and buy it new with a warranty. Some brands a more reliable than others, Fractal being one of them but any gear can fail.
For the prices that used current Fractal gear can go for I'd rather spend a few more bucks and buy it new with a warranty. Some brands a more reliable than others, Fractal being one of them but any gear can fail.
I'm right there with you on that point. I'm in the AX8 waitlist but am also looking at maybe just getting an AXFX. Have been cruising EBay and the prices for gear FAS gear that is 2-4 years old is almost the same as a new AX FX. MFCs even go for more than new sometimes. It;'s freakish. A buddy of mine has a bandmate who has a MK II and MFC sitting in his closet as he uses his tube amps for gigs, but the dude wasn't part with it even tho he never uses it. Argh!:mad:

I also have a sneaking suspicion that an AX FX III is not too far off beyond the horizon.
If it helps my Ultra is still going strong. I'm thinking I'm 8 or 9 years in. Firmware was less than 4.0.
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I am glad I did not have to get rid of the ultra to upgrade! It is great to have around for a back up and for when friends come to play!

Thought about getting one as backup, but dismissed the idea since presets aren't compatible.

But there are indeed Ultras which are still in great shape indeed.
a year ago i bought a used XL. not a single issue--ended up selling it because I'm dumb, but I just picked up a 2 mk 2 last week and so far it's working great! i think if whoever is selling doesn't show any warning signs, you're generally okay.

fractal people are good peeps
I still have a Mark I from 2012 and still flawless like the day I unpacked it. Haven't had a single PSU, fan, or any other issues at all. It has also only ever left my desk twice.

... will be up for sale soon as this is basically a backup unit at this time for me, and won't be playing out again anytime soon unfortunately.
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