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Recreating the John Mayer Continuum Rig

Thanks to this video, I tried the Two Stone again with the Overdrive rolled down and quickly got a very nice tone!

Wasn't trying to copy the settings or anything but just get into the same ballpark.

I will be doing more with that amp model in the future.

FYI, it sounds pretty cool with the Jam Ray drive in front, too.
Thanks to this video, I tried the Two Stone again with the Overdrive rolled down and quickly got a very nice tone!

Wasn't trying to copy the settings or anything but just get into the same ballpark.

I will be doing more with that amp model in the future.

FYI, it sounds pretty cool with the Jam Ray drive in front, too.
Glad it worked well for you! I do like the Jam Ray!
Amazing work, well done (just subscribed to your YT channel, congrats for you playing).
Preset doesn't appear to work correctly on my III 19.05. Scene 1 has his octave up pitch shift and the filter does nothing in the Trust myself scene. Weird.
Preset doesn't appear to work correctly on my III 19.05. Scene 1 has his octave up pitch shift and the filter does nothing in the Trust myself scene. Weird.
Probably just have to disengage the pitch block and then engage the drive and filter block for scene five.
Probably just have to disengage the pitch block and then engage the drive and filter block for scene five.
I'm also having an issue with the Filter block not actively adjusting the frequency as it does in your video. Watching the video, the frequency seems to respond with your playing, as I'm playing it, it's just staying at a static frequency. Do you have this set for expression pedal or is it just responding to the volume of the playing?

Does that make sense? It's just staying at 157.8Hz instead of acting like an envelope filter adjusting as you play.
I'm also having an issue with the Filter block not actively adjusting the frequency as it does in your video. Watching the video, the frequency seems to respond with your playing, as I'm playing it, it's just staying at a static frequency. Do you have this set for expression pedal or is it just responding to the volume of the playing?

Does that make sense? It's just staying at 157.8Hz instead of acting like an envelope filter adjusting as you play.
By chance do you have the filter block set to envelope follower? That’s the only thing I could think of. Right click on the frequency parameter, then in the new menu select envelope follower. Once you exit that window the frequency parameter should have a yellow dot under it.
By chance do you have the filter block set to envelope follower? That’s the only thing I could think of. Right click on the frequency parameter, then in the new menu select envelope follower. Once you exit that window the frequency parameter should have a yellow dot under it.
I just tried that but no luck. Wonder if it's a bug in 19.05?

I should point out that I downloaded the preset you posted...I didn't create the patch based on the video.
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