Recordings of special effect presets


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I put clips of the "special effects" presets that I'm using on Soundcloud. More than 40 recordings (click on "Set" for an alphabetical listing.)
Axe-Fx II > USB > Logic Express.
Just quick-and-dirty clips, it's about the sounds.

Recording is so ridiculously easy with the II. :)

Credits for some of the presets is mentioned in the description fields where applicable.

Here you go.

P.S. The guitar I used is a tiny bit out of tune on a few recordings, sorry.
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I'm not much into "weird" effects, but these are a neat reference of "how wild you can get". Thanks for posting.

I can see a definite use for "Compressed Modulation"... Can you share some details? I don't have a II (but an Ultra). Do you think it's possible to re-use that Compressed Modulation preset on an Ultra?
I'm not much into "weird" effects, but these are a neat reference of "how wild you can get". Thanks for posting.

I can see a definite use for "Compressed Modulation"... Can you share some details? I don't have a II (but an Ultra). Do you think it's possible to re-use that Compressed Modulation preset on an Ultra?

That one is a modified factory preset. It's "Andy's message" (#124).
You can download the presets from Fractal Support and load them into Axe-Edit (config "II") to compare settings. I'm pretty sure you can recreate this on the Standard/Ultra.
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I love the Vinyl preset :mrgreen


the vinyl preset is beyond cool !

EDIT: saw there's 5 pages of greatness after I posted this reply, dank u so much for taking the time to upload those !
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thanks for taking the time to put this up for us and for setting it up as a playlist so we can just kick back and listen to all the different sounds. the axeII really is an amazing box. get yourself a good looper pedal and you could be coming up with all kinds of arrangements with these presets. add one of those 'make your guitar sound like a bass" presets and come up with a patch to make the guitar produce drum/percussive sounds and you're a one man band :lol very cool!
Thanks Yek, now with the recorded reference it's easier to tweak your preset to a have the right sound!
Really cool Yek, i enjoyed the last one "Octave divider" alot, also "Violins" are super cool.
Are these presets floating around somewhere?
I also recorded 17 short clips of my favorite "amp" presets.

Still finetuning those BTW. For example, Recto and Fryette need less gain.

Here you go.
Thanks for taking the time to post these! I might as well hibernate until my ax arrives, I can see I'm not going to be sleeping much once it does.
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