Recording Signal - WET and DRY signal capture for recording

Hi All,

I want to try doing some tracks for my album with the AxeFX. I want to be able to simultaneously capture two tones. One will be a wet sound with some effects, the other will be dry for effects to be added later during the mixing phase. I have the ULTRA model. I am running a Lynx 2 soundcard with 4IN and 4OUT as well as the digital IN/OUT.

Can I output 2 signals from the AxeFX with:

(i) amp sound with some delays and whatever for monitoring and recording as a wet guide track (analog capture fine as this is not final)
(ii) amp sound with NO effects to be recorded for final mix effects to be added later? (digital capture fine as this is the final version)

Given there is only one digital out I would think I could output the FINAL signal (ii) through the digital output and maybe the monitor/wet (i) signal through an analog out.

You may ask why I want to record a "dry" signal when the AxeFX sounds are so great... Basically because I am dead against tracking anything with any effects prior to final mix. I believe these should be added when the song comes together as a three dimensional hole and don't like to find the delay sound I have used might be clashing in the mix with something else.

I hope this makes some sense - I am really desperate for answers because I don't want to paint myself into a corner. I am pretty new to the AxeFX and would really appreciate the help.

Yeah you can do it, use the FX loop to get your Wet sound out out analog output 2, and just route a dry signal to the regular output mixer (i.e. a shunts all the way from input to end).
That sounds do-able...

I guess I would shunt from after the preamp/cabinet to the output for the "dry" signal.

Has anyone got a screenshot of how this might look in the editor?

SteveTurner said:
That sounds do-able...

I guess I would shunt from after the preamp/cabinet to the output for the "dry" signal.

Has anyone got a screenshot of how this might look in the editor?


just put an fx loop block after the cab

for example,

amp-cab-fx loop-delay-rev
javajunkie said:
SteveTurner said:
That sounds do-able...

I guess I would shunt from after the preamp/cabinet to the output for the "dry" signal.

Has anyone got a screenshot of how this might look in the editor?


just put an fx loop block after the cab

for example,

amp-cab-fx loop-delay-rev

Personally, I prefer to place the loop block in parallel with the cab and run a connection from the block just before the cab. Depending on what you want to do, running the loop block after the cab will have the cab included in your sound. Running the loop block this way give you the option to use an outside IR.
Deltones said:
javajunkie said:
SteveTurner said:
That sounds do-able...

I guess I would shunt from after the preamp/cabinet to the output for the "dry" signal.

Has anyone got a screenshot of how this might look in the editor?


just put an fx loop block after the cab

for example,

amp-cab-fx loop-delay-rev

Personally, I prefer to place the loop block in parallel with the cab and run a connection from the block just before the cab. Depending on what you want to do, running the loop block after the cab will have the cab included in your sound. Running the loop block this way give you the option to use an outside IR.

I was actually responding to what was asking to do. I believe he wanted the cab captured. You don't need to run in parallel to do what you stated. You can just put the effects loop block before the cab.
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