Recording on Ableton Live 9

Is it possible to record on ableton with the USB connection once the drivers are installed or do you absolutely have to have an audio interface?
Yes, it is possible to record directly into Ableton wih the Axe II through USB. No other interface is required.
I can't seem to get any level or feedback from it, it's all on and working on the axe's end, the audio input and output device selected are both axe 2 in ableton, not sure what i'm doing wrong :(
Also did u set the audio input to Axe FX II in the I/O menu? Once u do that u should have a choice in the channel strip of 1,2 & 3 - 1 and two are the effected channels and 3 is te dry for reamping. Once u have that set and record enable the track make sure to click on input monitoring On or Auto and u will hear your signal. Hope that helps
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