Recording Fas modern :D Metal


Hello guys,
Yesterday i did a quick recording of some riffs i had in mind. I'm kinda diggin the fas modern patch. What do you guys think?

Nice. Did you make any changes to the FAS Modern preset? I've found it to be kind of woofy when palm muting until I added an MBC block to tame the low end.
Thanks for the advices guys. And about the patch i think what i have in my chain is drive-amp-cab and thats it... But I'll check it later
I was pretty sure my brains were getting sucked out of my left ear there at 0:41 seconds. FAS modern is popping up on a few threads right now. Are you hearing a noticeable change with FW 6
With vocals

My friend did some vocals over the track :)

And not really...I did notice some more fizzyness but nothing that harsh..Overall I'm able to make patches more quickly now
It's still all pre-production for some ideas I had. But thank you for the positive feedback! Will keep you guys updated!
You said that you have the Axe going into your fireface 400. Is there a benefit of using the fireface 400 rather than just going straight into your computer via USB?
Spaceboy the drums were just samples that came with metal foundry. Maybe you can elaborate on whats wrong? I'm still learning and I'm always open for critical advice :D
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