Recording directly off the AX8 into computer and avoiding CERTAIN TYPES OF NOISE

brand new strings squeak louder because they're clean right?

this sounds like technique causing the noise. you have to lift your fingers off the strings to prevent string noise.

but the song actually has the chords changing while holding many of the chords down. so lifting up between chords is what's adding the string noise compared to the original.
I never thought of that! Lifting up CAUSING string noise?? The opposite of what theorists will tell you about technique. But you may be right on the money. I'll experiment with this some more!
I recommend dialing back the tone pot on your guitar a bit, maybe reducing the presets treble setting (sounds a lot brighter to me than the original). Using a humbucker guitar helps as well. Then make sure to move your fret hand at the exact moment when hitting with your other hand.
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