Recording direct in with Pro Tools please help

Okay so i got my axe fx 2 today. This is the only axe fx i have used it, and as ive read and played around with it, there is a lot that it can do. My question is, how do i directly record into pro tools? I read on how to use the axe fx as an interface, but when i do that i can only open a pro tools session with 48k sampling rate. I normally record my projects at 96k then bus down to 44k for the mix. What i want to do is use my pro tools mbox as the interface, and have my studio monitors be the output of my project through my mbox. Along with that, i want to be able to record the axe fx audio direct into pro tools. Is that even possible? If it isnt, what is the best way to record the axe direct in with a different sample rate than 48? An idea i had was to run 2 xlr cables from the balanced output of the axe fx, then into my pro tolls xlr inputs 1 and 2, and just combine them to 1 stereo track. Also, i read that the spdif cable could work too. Can the usb be used even though my mbox is the interface? Basically, i just want to record the axe fx direct so its simple, into a pro tools 9 stereo track at 96k.
I use the Axe II with 2 XLRs out to my PT 003 board every day. Works great and sounds killer.
Some people have had luck running both the Axe via USB and the PT board/rack. Try running a search on the forum.

The Axe FX II supports a single fixed 48kHz sample rate as a USB interface--the internal Axe FX signal clock rate at is 48 kHz. So just connect up to that and record into a 48kHz session in Pro Tools. You can always convert that later if you need to work into a larger session at a different sample rate. The Axe Yes this is an inconvenience if you are tracking multiple sources at once. Going out from the native 48 KHz digital signal through a DAC to analog then back into digital (even at a higher sample rate) is not going to be any better than tracking the Axe FX over USB direct. The number of simultaneous digital out from the Axe FX USB interface is more of an issue, and Cliff has talked about increasing that. If you really need to go into an Mbox I would do so via the digitally outputs not analog.

I use the Axe II with 2 XLRs out to my PT 003 board every day. Works great and sounds killer.
Some people have had luck running both the Axe via USB and the PT board/rack. Try running a search on the forum.


So do you just use both in puts at once as one stereo track 1 left and 1 right? And what about the gain setting for each xlr input on the mbox. Do you just leave them at zero since its not a mic, or what level do you set them at?
Although it's not an Axe-FX II, what I do with my Ultra and what you might consider doing is to record a wet and dry signal at the same time.

I always insert an effects loop block right at the beginning of the patch in a separate row, and that sends a dry signal out of OUTPUT 2, and then I record both the wet from OUTPUT 1 and the dry form OUTPUT 2, to two mono tracks en then you can reamp the signal if you wanna change anything later.

The are probably different ways other people do it but this is just how I've done it all this time.
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