Record/arranging/mastering guitar/AxeFXII input onto Ableton Live 9


Hi guys,

I am looking to purchase Ableton Live 9 with the goal of using its cool layering/rhythmic possiblities (via the Push pad or via midi keyboard) with my guitar/AxeFxII.

So far, my rig has been super simple: Guitar/AxeFxII into GarageBand. Digging Thievery Corporation type of music and looking to create virtual-instrument-based tracks on which I can layer some live guitar/bass. Ableton Live 9 pretty much emerged as a great solution for such need.

(1) Is is possible/user-friendly to add AxeFxII track(s) within an existing Live 9 project
(2) Any hardware/software I need to add to what I am about to have
- Guitar/Bass, AxeFxII
- Ableton Live 9 Suite
- KM-Audio keyboard
- Ableton Push pad

Appreciate your feedback! Any pointer will help

I have the push, live 9 and axe fx 2....

My anwers:

1) ofcourse, like any daw...if its user friendly or not; depends on what u are used to. Coming from cubase it took me a while to get used to live.
But its a great software...i wouldnt compare ableton/cubase/pro tools...have all and all have great things.
2) u have all u need.
My 2c...You cd still get an Alesis qx49 @120 dollars... The sliders are awesome for mastering... I have live and push.

Also get a m audio pedal @15 bucks.... Connect to the midi controller.... This is the only way to control the looper in live... Pedal through push doesn't work according to ableton...

I have done a midi mapping and set up that's working beautiful... If you want I can put up screenshots

Finally start all peripherals before starting live.... Update working template to default in preferences file save

More details Pl ask... I spent considerable energy to get this set up perfect
As others have mentioned you pretty much have all you need but I would also recommend getting some sort of foot switch to start/stop looping. Spend some time getting everything setup in your default Live set so you can just fire it up and start jamming. I have the Axe II, Live 9 and Push as well and also some external effects (Big Sky, Timeline, Space) that I have set up in effect racks with all parameters mapped to the Push and it's so much fun. Suite 9 has some great instruments but I tend to use Native Instruments Komplete which goes on sale quite frequently and is an incredible value for everything you get.

The only other thing I might recommend that I didn't see mentioned is some sort of audio interface. Lots of people get along with the Axe's USB port for sound input to your computer but I've never found that to be the best solution for me.
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