Recommendations for a power amp please??


After months of trying to achieve a direct sound to use in the studio, and failing miserably, I decided to move on to using the Ultra with a power amp and micing a cab...

Has there been a consensus of the best power amps to use with the Ultra??

Which ones sound the best to you guys?

Once I get one, which outs on the Ultra do I use going into the power amp?

Thanks a lot!

I can't imagine anything will make you happy...if you've tried for months to get a good sound direct with no results? Sorry...

Going direct is IMO the best way to experience the Axe, you're going to get the full benefit of the amp sims and cabinet sims. Anything else will just add one more stumbling block. more important than the power amp are the speakers you plan on using, anything but a very flat response full range speaker will color your sound and change the Axe quite a bit.

FWIW, solid state power amps like the QSCs are good, for tube the VHT two/fifty/two is also good.

Good luck.

It's not that going direct with the Ultra sounds horrible...I just achieve much better results micing my Vetta (which took years of tweaking). Plus I am using 2 really nice ribbons on a G12 Century and custom made cab...

Don't get me wrong, the direct sounds I have coming out of the Ultra blow any of the Pods or Vetta direct sounds away, but for some reason when I mic the Vetta, it really sounds so much better than the Ultra direct. I've had four musician agree it's 'no contest' during A/B trials.

So your saying it's not even worth micing the Axe since the Ultra's best task for recording is direct?

Has anyone had better results micing using an Ultra?

Any more recommendations on power amps that helped get you there?

Thanks again!
rcd said:

It's not that going direct with the Ultra sounds horrible...I just achieve much better results micing my Vetta (which took years of tweaking). Plus I am using 2 really nice ribbons on a G12 Century and custom made cab...

Don't get me wrong, the direct sounds I have coming out of the Ultra blow any of the Pods or Vetta direct sounds away, but for some reason when I mic the Vetta, it really sounds so much better than the Ultra direct. I've had four musician agree it's 'no contest' during A/B trials.

So your saying it's not even worth micing the Axe since the Ultra's best task for recording is direct?

Has anyone had better results micing using an Ultra?

Any more recommendations on power amps that helped get you there?

Thanks again!

I may have misunderstood you...

The Ultra sounds great direct or through speakers. Most people lack the proficiency to get a really good mic'd guitar sound (including myself) so I figured that would be one more stumbling block to overcome...the microphone, background noise, the audio interface, room acoustics, etc.

But if you've already got it figured out for your other amp then you can certainly do it for the Axe. The Axe sounds excellent through speakers as well.

When I first got my Axe I was running it through some Vintage 30s and then 2 Eminence Canibis Rex speakers. the latter were better but I still wasn't happy. I ended up going with the Delta Pro 12a speakers that have a very flat response and I'm more than happy with them. I'm using a QSC GX3 poweramp and it's working well, very clean and quiet.

Many people here are using the QSC GX series, Carvin and a lot are using ART SLA2. The Arts only take up one rack slot but require cable adapters to use with standard speaker cables for guitar cabs. I looked at a few and went with the QSC as I felt it was the most quiet and neutral sounding.
Great feedback OverAmp - I really appreciate it and can't wait to look into those options.

I have about ten years of experience micing cabs, so all ends are covered there. Now I'm really looking forward to micing up a chain stemming from the Ultra...I have the Vetta sounding incredible, and I know this has the potential to blow the Vetta away...

Any other power amps I should check out?? Would tube or solid state be best in conjuction? Any other speaker recommendations? The Centuries tend to be on the bright side...

Hi guys..
Anyone here tried to use the Atomic amp with the Ultra?
If so,whats your oppinion or suggestions ?
thank you
Carvin DCM or VHT 2/50/2.I've used them both, VHT little warmer IMO but DCM is right there.If money is the subject(or not) than DCM is right choice. I never got good sound out of QSC HPR speakers.
Thank Eboboss!
If I go for the Carvin, would the 600 be the right choice?

The Carvin is only a few hundred bucks to the VHT being around $1300...If the VHT is way better, then I will go with it, but it sound like they are on par with each other, meaning the Carvin will be the obvious choice.

Has anyone else compared the two?

Thanks so much...This is helping a lot!
Carvin just phased out the DCM600, and replaced it with the DCM1000 at a lower price (US$299).

Here's a comparison of both models, from the DCM1000's user manual:
I stumbled onto the thread about the Atomic Reator FR coming out.

Is this product specialized for use with the Axefx?

Will this do essentially what the power amp I'm going to buy, along with the external cab is going to do?

Thanks once again!
I'd wager that you couldn't buy better cabs than Bogners. Personally I have 2 Bogner 1x12 cabinets, and since I was ordering them, I made sure that Bogner put CL-80 speakers in them instead of whatever is stock. Reason being, CL-80's have much less speaker distortion than Celestions, so they're more accurate. But they're over $500 a piece. You can keep them a lifetime however. I also really like Mesa Boogie 2x12's, but I think the Bogner edges them out.
jerotas said:
I made sure that Bogner put CL-80 speakers in them instead of whatever is stock. Reason being, CL-80's have much less speaker distortion than Celestions, so they're more accurate.

CL-80's are Celestions : Classic Lead 80's

Agree about the Bogner cabs.
* velcro-fly * said:
jerotas said:
I made sure that Bogner put CL-80 speakers in them instead of whatever is stock. Reason being, CL-80's have much less speaker distortion than Celestions, so they're more accurate.

CL-80's are Celestions : Classic Lead 80's

Agree about the Bogner cabs.
Hrm, well it's something like that. It's probably that CL-80's have less distortion than Celestion 100's? I dunno. Nice to know :)
jerotas said:
* velcro-fly * said:
jerotas said:
I made sure that Bogner put CL-80 speakers in them instead of whatever is stock. Reason being, CL-80's have much less speaker distortion than Celestions, so they're more accurate.

CL-80's are Celestions : Classic Lead 80's

Agree about the Bogner cabs.
Hrm, well it's something like that. It's probably that CL-80's have less distortion than Celestion 100's? I dunno. Nice to know :)

The bogner 1x12s come with either the Celestion V30s or Celestion Classic 80s. The 80s will be able to handle more power. As far as accuracy, neither are near flat. ... l.asp?ID=8 ... l.asp?ID=4
I would strongly recommend the Randall Rt2/50 for recording. Here's why I think so:
-you can have two different types of tubes in it at the same time. Like 6l6's on one side and el34's on the other etc
-It's designed so you can set the bias yourself when you swap or replace tubes etc. No need to go to a shop.
-With it's versatility, you can have a lot more options with your tones and power section response. If you're not digging the sound, (and it's the power section you're not liking), just pop in some different tubes, set the bias real quick and you have another flavor to try out.
-If you play live, it's midi switchable so you can switch back and forth between channel a and b tube sets by using whatever midi pedal you have to control your Axefx.

I bought mine used and along with the Axefx, it's one of the best and best-designed pieces of gear I've ever owned.

The downside: It weighs more than a Smart Car. :shock:
guittarzzan said:
I would strongly recommend the Randall Rt2/50 for recording. Here's why I think so:
-you can have two different types of tubes in it at the same time. Like 6l6's on one side and el34's on the other etc
-It's designed so you can set the bias yourself when you swap or replace tubes etc. No need to go to a shop.
-With it's versatility, you can have a lot more options with your tones and power section response. If you're not digging the sound, (and it's the power section you're not liking), just pop in some different tubes, set the bias real quick and you have another flavor to try out.
-If you play live, it's midi switchable so you can switch back and forth between channel a and b tube sets by using whatever midi pedal you have to control your Axefx.

I bought mine used and along with the Axefx, it's one of the best and best-designed pieces of gear I've ever owned.

The downside: It weighs more than a Smart Car. :shock:

I'm also using the RT2/50 with the Ultra (in stereo) through two 4x12's with V30's and it sounds incredible. I tried a MosValve MV-962 and it didn't sound half as good. There are a lot of people that prefer solid state power amps but I can't believe it could sound better than what we are using. :lol:

Actually, I'm sure with a better quality S.S. power amp, it would sound just as good.

Are you using the cab sims. with the RT2/50? I have them off. It just didn't sound as good to me with them on. The plus is I save time by not having to mess around trying hundreds of cabs to find the best sound. The downside is that if I want to record direct, I have to set up separate patches and mess with the cab sims. anyway.
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