Wish Rearrange Home view pages


Fractal Fanatic
I wish Fractal rearranged the home view. It should maintain its state (which page is selected) better and it should be faster to go to most common views and stay there until you decide you want to go back to the main scenes view.

A better system would be to put the main home view somewhere in the middle of the pages with page left and right taking you to the most used views.
For example this layout:

PerformPresetsMain view (scenes)MetersSetup

  • Meters or Presets is always one click away from Main view. These to me are the most used options.
  • You can hold page left or right to go to Perform or Setup.
  • Home button click from another view (e.g. block edit or layout) takes you to either previously selected view (e.g. Meters) or clicking it again it goes to the Main view.
  • You free up one of the knob button clicks for another function other than Setup.
  • Perform per preset and global views could be combined into a single one that you can just scroll with the up/down nav buttons to reveal more controls because as an end user, I don't really care if it's global or per preset assignment when I am using it. This only matters when I am assigning the controls to either category.
Users will have different preferences. Ex, I've wanted to be able to get to presets with one button push for a while, but I don't care too much about the meter view and still want to be able to get to perform with one button.

I've resigned myself to the current sequence, but allowing us to arrange it as we like would be pretty awesome.
Imo, it would be great to implement the wish of the OP with a "per-user configurable order", having the main view as a "per-layout configurable view", with a split zoom view.

Mixing both configurations would be GREAT for the Home pages.
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