reamping without using axe fx 3 as audio interface

Hey guys I was wondering if its possible to reamp my guitar DI on cubase 13 without using axe fx 3 as my audio interface.
My setup:
Audio interface: RME UCX
Cubase 13.0.41
Genelec 8341A SAM Studio Monitors

I keep having to switch audio interfaces from RME to Axe FX 3 and was wondering if I can still stay on my RME and still reamp my DI inside cubase.

Also whenever I reamp I cant hear the audio coming out of my studio monitors but thats a separate Issue.


Awesome thanks ! So I got this working but only thing now is that as Im reamping I cant hear the reamped coming out of my studio monitors. I always have to finish reamping and then go back to play it

Also a very important question: since my clock on the aggregate device is set to my audio interface which is 44.1kHz would this affect the reamping? because I remember Axe FX III had to strictly be 44.8kHz.

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Use 48 KHz.

Don’t forget to make the connection to your audio interface so you can monitor the AxeFX, as described in the instructions.
Use 48 KHz.

Don’t forget to make the connection to your audio interface so you can monitor the AxeFX, as described in the instructions.
the problem is if I use 48khz now all my samples are going to clash since their all in 48khz :|. is there an actual difference in sound quality of the axe fx reamp if I leave it in 44.1khz?

And thanks regarding the monitoring all I had to do is click "monitor" on the channel in cubase
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