Reamping issue with SPDIF


New Member
Some quick background on the scenario....

Axe fx 3 running front input (guitar) to analogue stereo output 1 with normal fx chain wet signal. This goes to an MR816csx interface analogue input 1&2 and into 2 tracks in Cubase.
Axe fx 3 running digital out of spdif mirroring input one for the dry signal to reamp. This is running to the MR816csx interface spdif input and to another pair of tracks in cubase.

The above is recording just fine without any issue..... Two tracks have my left and right wet mix, and two tracks have my left and right spdif dry signal.

When I go to reamp, the Axe fx input source for input 2 is set to receive digital, and the digital input source is set to spdif. So I add input 2 on the grid and feed it to the same fx chain that input one was going through, but for some reason I'm getting no metering lights on input 2 at all. Doublechecked the cable to assure the interface spdif output is plugged into the Axe fx 3 input. Double checked to make sure Cubase is sending the reamped tracks out of the proper spdif outputs. Also replaced the spdif cable on the off chance that it was the issue. So far I get nothing, no spdif input metering on the Axe 3 at all, and no audio. As a long shot, since I have 2 interfaces (both MR816CSX), I tried the spdif output on the second unit into my old Axe fx 2 just to rule out any issues with the spdif jacks on either the first interface or axe fx 3, and it's still the same result, no audio metering on the Axe fx 2.

Anyone doing reamping in this way that might be able to give me a hint at what the issue might be? Any reason why reamping this way wouldn't work that I'm overlooking?? The signal chain seems solid to me but maybe I'm missing something. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If you're using a single cable, switching between input and output, then you need to set the Axe's clock to external for it to receive signal. Your interface should be set to internal to act as master, too...

I have two S/PDIF cables permanently plugged, my interface is the master and the Axe is the slave. Can do both recording and reamping with no problems at all.
If you're using a single cable, switching between input and output, then you need to set the Axe's clock to external for it to receive signal. Your interface should be set to internal to act as master, too...

I have two S/PDIF cables permanently plugged, my interface is the master and the Axe is the slave. Can do both recording and reamping with no problems at all.
Ah yes, didn't mention the clock, thanks for reminding me..... The units are cabled both ways continuously (interface out to Ax in, Ax out to interface in), I'm not swapping any cables. The Axe FX 3 is permanently set to be the slave and the interface is permanently set to be the master. Sample rate is 48k/24 on the interface.
Never mind, solved the issue. It was the output volume of the SPDIF output on the MR816csx.... It has to be adjusted in the cubase Studio\Audio hardware setup\Master levels tab for the digital out. The default is 0 (which is absolutely idiotic).
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