Reamp with Mbox - SPDIF


Hey guys, I've been using my standard for a few months now and I feel like reamping would be the best way to work out a great tone. I have no idea how to make it work with my Mbox and Protools. It seems like hooking up to the spdif in and out would be the best answer but I have no clue on how to make it happen with my setup. Am I missing something here?

Thanks for the reply. That pointed me in the right direction, but I'm still a bit confused on how I route things in Pro Tools. It seems like I should have a send and return in Pro Tools to send thru the SPDIF to do this. I can't make it work though. Weird....
there is one thing I don't get in that tutorial, it mentions putting the FX loop in the last block and disconnect the output, how do you do that?
It doesn't seem to allow me to disconect the connection to the output from the last block?? I also don't understand the logic in having to have a whole line of shunts from input to ouput then put the fx loop in the last one to disconnect from the output? why not have an fx loop in the first block then?

Yannickm said:
there is one thing I don't get in that tutorial, it mentions putting the FX loop in the last block and disconnect the output, how do you do that?
It doesn't seem to allow me to disconect the connection to the output from the last block?? I also don't understand the logic in having to have a whole line of shunts from input to ouput then put the fx loop in the last one to disconnect from the output? why not have an fx loop in the first block then?


That was a bit confusing.
Here is what he is saying

Find a patch that you want to monitor w/ so get get the feel of the sound you'll eventually wind up with.
You will not be recording this signal but monitoring with it.
The line of shunts is for the dry signal (you wont be listening to that). It is what is being recorded for later reamping.

The part about fx loop as the last block is misworded. It should be placed after the last ACTIVE block and disconnected from the right side of the matrix. You are correct you can not disconnect on the last row. If you need something on the last row and you DONT want it to go to output 1, you can go to the layout mixer and turn the gain all the way down for that row or turn the level all the way down for the block in the last row. In this case it probably isn't necessary. Just go to the last active block of the signal you want to monitor (think of it as a dummy patch) and place an effect loop block at the end. Disconnect the rest from the right side of the matrix. Now you can monitor that patch w/ amps and effects while recording a dry guitar signal for later reamping.
billschultz said:
Thanks for the reply. That pointed me in the right direction, but I'm still a bit confused on how I route things in Pro Tools. It seems like I should have a send and return in Pro Tools to send thru the SPDIF to do this. I can't make it work though. Weird....

Plug your guitar into the Axe-fx
To record the dry track just set protools to record the SPDIF signal.
You can create a dummy patch that you can use for feel in output 2. Either send it to protools or monitor through another source.

This is the method I described in the previous post.
thanks for the reply, I did try it yesterday the way you described, i connected output 2 to my amp fx return for monitoring with effect and recorded the dry guitar using the spdif to a track in cubase. I then setup another track in cubase using the spdif output from the axe as input and the track output to the stereo bus, I changed the output of the original track to the spdif input of the axe (swithed the input for the axe to digital in the i/o options). now i can just play the dry track using any preset and record it to that 2nd track.

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