Reamp with ableton. Help me please.


Hello guys!

I used the search function and found an old thread, but old pictures where down on that post. I'm trying to do some reamps on Ableton 8 but I can't. Don't know where to route the audio signal to achieve it.

Here are my settings:



Settings on Axe's I/O menu is USB.

3+4 would be your dry track inputs. to reamp dry tracks you will have to change the input setting in the axe fx I/O menu to usb, then send the dry track to the axe and record on inputs 1+2. then change the axe fx I/O input back again for play back.
3+4 would be your dry track inputs. to reamp dry tracks you will have to change the input setting in the axe fx I/O menu to usb, then send the dry track to the axe and record on inputs 1+2. then change the axe fx I/O input back again for play back.

Solved it!

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