Reamp issue


I’m exploring reamping and followed the manual instructions but I’m getting a nasty fuzzy sound when I listen back to reamp.

Here's a re-amping tutorial:

so i’m still getting the fuzzy sound on my reamp track when I start reamping. It’s not fuzzy when it’s just d.i. Maybe it’s my apartments dirty power and just baked into the d.I recording but not audible until I start processing. I’ll have to test this where power is cleaner.
Your DI track should be crystal clear. If it has noise then it is just going to get amplified. Did you record the D.I. through USB? It would be the cleanest path. I plug my guitar into the FM9 input and out to spdif into my audio interface into my DAW. The same could be done if the Fm9 was my interface and just go out the USB to the DAW. If you have noise on this step, it needs to be redone.
Reamping is obviously the second phase of taking that recording and, like you said, sending it back out. I wouldn't necessarily say the noise is power related but I would stand clear of the computer and monitor and just record for a while. I usually just let the 'tape' run and record some takes and cut it up later. Just my thoughts.
btw, the pedal must be setup to function as volume on that preset you showed. re-amping is just acting as if you were playing into it so you can change effects on the fly, use the volume, change scenes, etc...all will be printed as you do it.
so i’m still getting the fuzzy sound on my reamp track when I start reamping. It’s not fuzzy when it’s just d.i. Maybe it’s my apartments dirty power and just baked into the d.I recording but not audible until I start processing. I’ll have to test this where power is cleaner.

I doubt it's related to power. It might be a signal routing problem. It sounds like maybe you've got the wet track routed to the input? I don't understand why there is activity on your input meters. The volume pedal is acting as expected.
I'm not understanding the input meter comment. When I re-amp from a daw back to my FM9 it most certainly hits my input meters.
I'm not understanding the input meter comment. When I re-amp from a daw back to my FM9 it most certainly hits my input meters.

His video shows input on input 3. Maybe an effect in a loop. Without knowing the details of how he's routing his signal, it's hard to say what his problem might be.
Yea input 3 has the freqout in it. I haven’t had time to test things elsewhere to determine noise but I’m telling you, this apartment has noisy power for sure. I understand the volume pedal thing now thank you for clarifying.
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