Reading Threads - Thanks

Howdy everyone,

I wanted to thank everyone who takes the time to comment and provide insight with respect to Forum questions. I have owned the FM9 since Dec 2022 and it is my first Fractal product. Reading other user's questions and the responses has really provided insight into how implement and fix common issues! And how great the product is. No looking back having sold all my amp gear!

A lot of what makes us human is the need for validation and acknowledgement. I think we all appreciate it when people read and comment on our posts...the caveat is that the golden rule applies well when we post...if a post is negatively skewed, it's likely to receive less than impartial responses.

That being said, it's always nice to hear positive comments from FAS owners, especially when forum members have previously helped us solve common issues.

As a shameless plug to those who provide instruction, check out Cooper Carter's FM9 MasterClass series in this thread: CC's MasterClass
Glad you’re enjoying the FM9, and the forum @bertwarbutton ! Both are great individually, but having the gear and the forum together makes each even better and more enjoyable. I’m also quite thankful for the excellence in the product, and for the community that supports it.
Gday Bert,
It’s a great forum with lots of knowledgeable people willing to help. Another fractal feature. ;-)
Howdy everyone,

I wanted to thank everyone who takes the time to comment and provide insight with respect to Forum questions. I have owned the FM9 since Dec 2022 and it is my first Fractal product. Reading other user's questions and the responses has really provided insight into how implement and fix common issues! And how great the product is. No looking back having sold all my amp gear!
Because of the huge amount of functionality of Fractal devices, there is a tone of knowledge and unique use cases represented in this forum.
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