RCF-NX 10 vs 12 , what would you recommed for home playing?

I have a pair of NX10s and had an NX12. The 12 has a bit more low end heft and is a little louder. That said, I've never cranked even 1 10 at a gig. I play rootsy (blues/rock, jazz, jammy, funk, alt countryish) stuff and would do my gigs with a Fender Deluxe Reverb or maybe a 40-50 watt similar amp at most. One 10 is enough to blow my head off. For home playing, it's easily the equivalent of a 50 watt amp.

I liked the idea of stereo and knew I'd never need 2 12s, so I sold the 12 (to Craiginshred sp?) who loves it and got 2 10s. Couldn't be happier and even if I only had one, it would be plenty loud for whatever I need. It is as discussed in other threads pretty directional for better or worse.
I have a pair of NX10s and had an NX12. The 12 has a bit more low end heft and is a little louder. That said, I've never cranked even 1 10 at a gig. I play rootsy (blues/rock, jazz, jammy, funk, alt countryish) stuff and would do my gigs with a Fender Deluxe Reverb or maybe a 40-50 watt similar amp at most. One 10 is enough to blow my head off. For home playing, it's easily the equivalent of a 50 watt amp.

I liked the idea of stereo and knew I'd never need 2 12s, so I sold the 12 (to Craiginshred sp?) who loves it and got 2 10s. Couldn't be happier and even if I only had one, it would be plenty loud for whatever I need. It is as discussed in other threads pretty directional for better or worse.

Cool to hear, im interested in 2 10's...Ive been running two FBT Maxx2a's for years. Im really intrigued with these RCF's !! They seem to be in a totally different league.
I like that EV speaker; it's an honest steal for the price they go for. I like them enough to have recommended them to my keyboardist in my band and he bought one and has used it for about 6 months running now.

That said, the RCF NX series is another tier up of gear. The Pro-Sumer level, like can be found at GC, are killer values and excellent working man tools. The RFC NX series is entry teir professional level gear though. It's quite a different experience.

Having experienced both the EV (and JBL/Mackie/QSC) level of gear for years and then for the past year running the RCF NX... yes, there are insanely good reasons that make the RCF NX and the money they cost well worth the leap.

Just my opinion, but strongly held and based on personal experience.

I thank you, my wallet and wife may not...!
I just got a great deal on a set of NX10's - if you need more than those for home you're most likely living in an aircraft hangar.

I can't see these not cutting it at even medium sized club scenes.

BTW - Holy cow they sound great for such a relatively cheap speaker, in fact I think they are a steal at their asking price - even here in Europe.
My reference is top IEM's and the top tier of pro stage monitors, and while I've heard a few that are clearly better than the RCF's they compare very well to many monitors costing 2-3 times more than the RCF's.
I've only had time to give them a quick listen - will post more when I've had more time with them.
Relatively cheap? Compared to what?

Compared to other monitors with a similar "pro" sound quality - I clearly stated my references in my post.
We are talking entry level pro monitors here not run of the mill consumer stuff from Guitar Center.
Check the prices on Mayer Sound, L-Acoustic, Martin Audio and similar brands from the top tier of stage monitors - then I think that you'll agree that the RCF's are "relatively cheap".
The RCF's are not as good as those mentioned above, but they are a lot cheaper, and FWIW I haven't heard anything expect monitors from that absolute top tier that clearly beat the RCF's - all IMHO and YMMV.
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That wasn't a challenge by the way. I'm still getting my head around all this.
To be honest I've never heard of the other brands you mentioned but that doesnt mean much. I'm only just starting to explore FRFR after being a amp and cabs guy for 20 years.
Why would you want two monitors each capable of spitting out more power than a halfstack at home though?
Surely that's massive overkill and good quality studio monitors would comfortably suffice? (and much cheaper)

Or have you had your home on MTV cribs or something? :)
Why would you want two monitors each capable of spitting out more power than a halfstack at home though?
Surely that's massive overkill and good quality studio monitors would comfortably suffice? (and much cheaper)

Or have you had your home on MTV cribs or something? :)

Because it is fun, budget notwithstanding. :D

That said, at home, I use my home studio setup the majority of the time (unless no one is home and I can shake the walls for fun).
I use my 12 at home all the time . It sounds incredibly good at pratice volume.
having 2, so could run them in stereo and get more of an audio "spread" ( these are very directional)
would be a real "nice to have". I went with the 12's over the 7's because I play a lot of 7 string. I'm sure the 10's can handle a low A# just fine but I figured for the minute price difference why chance it .
So far so good.
right now when I'm jamming to a CD (I have 2 Polk Audio speakers that just crank beautifully)
I use the RCF on the floor and turn up my Rokit 8's to get a little bit of the stereo experience
but they can't keep up with the RCf ..................at all LOL!
Why would you want two monitors each capable of spitting out more power than a halfstack at home though?
Surely that's massive overkill and good quality studio monitors would comfortably suffice? (and much cheaper)

Or have you had your home on MTV cribs or something? :)

For the fun of it ;-)

Also I guess alot of guys who are coming from 4x12's are afraid that studio monitor can't deliver enough sound.

At home I personally play through studio monitor most of time and they perform beautifully with plenty of volume for having a real good time - studio monitors would always be my first advice for someone asking about a home rig.

That said opening the RCF NX10's to a medium loud volume yesterday was FUN and very VISCERAL :)
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