Raising the volume of an exported tonematch

First off, sorry if this has been answered before. I have searched for an answer and I cannot find a thread which answers my question.
Whenever I make a tonematch of a tone i like, I export it so I can use it in the cab block instead. When I make a tonematch, I raise the volume on the tonematch itself, so the output is at about 80-90%-ish. But when I export it, the volume drops. I know I can just raise the volume on the cab block, or the master out or whatever. It's not really a problem, but I think it's a bit annoying, so I was thinking: Is there anyway you can raise the volume of the exported IR itself and not the block?

/ MaxBenches
+1 when i export my tonematch (XL here) as a cab block i lost 2.5db that i need to add after .

First off, sorry if this has been answered before. I have searched for an answer and I cannot find a thread which answers my question.
Whenever I make a tonematch of a tone i like, I export it so I can use it in the cab block instead. When I make a tonematch, I raise the volume on the tonematch itself, so the output is at about 80-90%-ish. But when I export it, the volume drops. I know I can just raise the volume on the cab block, or the master out or whatever. It's not really a problem, but I think it's a bit annoying, so I was thinking: Is there anyway you can raise the volume of the exported IR itself and not the block?

/ MaxBenches
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