Radley - Coincidence or ?


Power User
So the other day I was in a thrift store with my sweetie who likes to clothes shop there (bless her). I've occasionally taken to looking at Neil Diamond records that I see in thrift stores and checking the credits for Hadley H, forumite and Axe user, just for amusement, since knowing of him from the forum. I've never been a Neil D. fan (though I haven't disliked him either), but I generally have a fascination and respect for who played what on whatever, so it amuses me while I'm waiting for clothes to be picked.

So, I see 3 Neil Diamond records, none of which have Hadley on them. Richard Bennett was on them. Must've been 70s pre-Hadley time. Ok, so then I wander to books. I see these Hardy Boy books which were a childhood favorite of mine. (Interesting sidenote. As a student a bunch of years ago I was doing some research into kids literature and when looking at Hardy Boy books found that the same title published in different eras is actually a completely differently written book. The newer they are, the more dumbed down the language from what I could tell, too. Hmm?) So, I pick up one of the Hardy Boy books randomly, one somewhere in the 40s of the series, maybe 47. I'm reading page one and it's talking about Joe and Frank (the Hardy Boys) doing blah blah when the shortwave radio comes on and it's, guess who?, "Radley" calling. Now how many times have I seen that name outside the forum? Very few, Boo Radley being the only thing that comes to mind.

Now I'm not saying this is cosmic or has any significance whatsoever, but it's pretty strange to be looking for someone with an unusual moniker on records, put the records down, next thing, pick up a random book from thousands available and see that name on page 1. Just sayin'
What you've experienced is called "Synchronicity"....a meaningful coincidence. I find them, and the general subject, fascinating....
You are always exactly where you are supposed to be, even if that's under the bus or on a stage.
Wow, when I was a boy the lady up the street gave me a whole set of Hardy Boys. They were old even then! I used to devour them, one after another. Really, I credit that experience with the love of reading I still enjoy to this day.
Wow, when I was a boy the lady up the street gave me a whole set of Hardy Boys. They were old even then! I used to devour them, one after another. Really, I credit that experience with the love of reading I still enjoy to this day.

Same here--My Grandma would give me the new ones as they were released. I was also just looking in a "used store" at Neil Diamond records for Radley a couple weeks ago--no Hardy Boys there though.
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