Question regarding Firmware updates... Is This Normal?


So, I've always used Axe Edit to update the firmware without a hitch. I've stopped using Axe Edit long ago for any of its' other uses.

Any time I've updated firmware in the past, the same sequence of events have always occurred, with the same approximate time frame for each event (in terms of how quickly the 'progress bar' moves). The entire event takes no more than a few minutes.

However, when I try to update to FW 9.01, right off the bat the progress seems painfully slow... when prior updates were already finished, this one isn't even at 5-6% during the first 'progress bar report.'

I've 'aborted the mission' twice now because I'm worried something dodgy is going on with the update due to the extreme difference in speeds compared with the other updates I've done.

Anyone else have this experience? Should I be concerned? Is it simply a question of... it takes as long as it takes... and leave it at that?

Is this FW 9.01 so jam packed with programming goodness that a longer update time is needed? Or, are Axe Edit gremlins reprogramming my Axe2 into a 'smart' toaster?

Am I freaking out over nothing (not entirely out of character for me)?

Thanks in advance for any help...

UPDATE: I let it run its' course and can say... all is OK. It did take quite a while compared to my past experiences, but FW 9.01 is now happily residing within my Axe. Thanks again for your responses!
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Probably not. More to do with your settings than the Axe.

Have you just let it complete? I wouldn't worry too much about the time it takes.
Alright. I'm going to try it again and let it work its' magic.

Thanks guys for your speedy input...
My last firmware update was excruciatingly slow despite previous ones being comparatively quick. Failed to take the first time but worked fine the second. Two attempts to load took about 30-40 minutes. So mileage most definitely does vary :)

I used SysEx Librarian on my Mac to install 9.01. It took about half an hour. I made myself get up and do some chores, so I wouldn't be tempted to mess with anything while it was updating. It worked just fine, though. Life is good. :mrgreen
Update with may Win 7 PC (very fast i7 machine) is f..... slow and takes about 30-40 min, with my macbook and Mac OS about 1-2 minutes.
Used AxeEdit and USB connection and it took only a few minutes which was consistent with previous upgrades. Used a laptop with W7 64bit.
Just let it finish. Most of mine take 3-5 mins on a Win 7 64 bit I7 machine. Some have taken 20-25 mins. There doesn't seem to be any reaoning behind the changes in time but it really doesn't matter as they have always worked.

I used Axe Edit to update...
axe edit updates quickly, but it's suggested not to use it with firmware 9. some are reporting success, but i wouldn't go near it right now.

it takes 20-30 minutes over MIDI connection, so nothing to worry about. just wait :)
On the PC some go slow, some go faster. I have no idea of the rhyme or reason. If you do it with a Mac it usually is smoking fast to update. Again, I'm not sure why.
Don't remember now which firmware it was that it slowed down ,6 I think ! use to take 5 to 10 min,then around v6 all of a sudden it was a full 20 min or more ,been that for me consistently until the 9.0 update now its 5 to 10 min again???
Don't remember now which firmware it was that it slowed down ,6 I think ! use to take 5 to 10 min,then around v6 all of a sudden it was a full 20 min or more ,been that for me consistently until the 9.0 update now its 5 to 10 min again???

This is EXACTLY what happened to me. Firmware 9 is the first firmware since, as you said, around 6 that it's not taken about 20 min.
On the PC some go slow, some go faster. I have no idea of the rhyme or reason. If you do it with a Mac it usually is smoking fast to update. Again, I'm not sure why.

Mine was done on a Mac (first time been using PC previously) and it took a good 15-20 minutes.
I am still using Axe Edit (Mac) but only for firmware and some patch loading.
If you don't edit the patch it seems to be fine...???
Just did it Friday evening. Loaded 9.01b and updated my Recto Orange Patch from the FW 9.0 Bank and loaded Super Verb from the 9.0 Bank. Promptly disconnected cause ya'all got me scared about Axe Edit...
Mine was done on a Mac (first time been using PC previously) and it took a good 15-20 minutes.

I did 9 on the PC, but in the past updating on the mac has been way faster. I'm usually just to lazy to hook up my macbook.
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