Question about recording with spdif output

Okay so i got my spdif cable for the axe fx. I set it up to the spdif ouput of the axe fx, to the spdif input of the mbox. i armed the track in protools for the spdif input of the mbox, but theres no sound. So how do you record with the spdif cable for digital audio? What i/o settings do you need on the axe fx?
I did read that. I set up my pro tools session to 48k and it still says no clock source or whatever it says. I asked yesterday and people said i only need 1 spdif cable from the axe fx to mbox and people said it would work.

This is still true. One cable will do it. But in the one cable scenario you need to clock your MBox off the incoming Axe signal. In other words the Axe will be the "master" clock, and the Mbox will be the "slave".

If you want to clock the Axe off the Mbox (which would be silly IMO, since the Axe is probably a better clock source) then you need two cables, one for audio going to the Mbox, and one for clock going to the Axe from the Mbox.
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