Quad Cortex Review from 15 year Fractal user

There is a high freq you have to EQ out , sits about 6200- 6500 it’s a bit of fizz and can definitely be considered harsh if you prefer a darker warmer tones
agreed with both BBN and Randall - test drove a QC recently with the latest FW update (?) and my immediate response was "dang this is BRIGHT"...
spoiled by my FM3/FXIII :tongueclosed: 🤘
Read that someone said the QC made everything sound like it had piezo's on it. That is a perfect analogy.
Is that referring to just the amp modeling or including the profiling? There are lots of reviews out there praising the profiling to the point it seems they actually one-upped Kemper.
Read that someone said the QC made everything sound like it had piezo's on it. That is a perfect analogy.

I trialed a QC recently, and in my experience every tone was the color of grey. Not even sure if that makes sense to others, but there was a kind of similar sterility to everything that translated into grey in my head.
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