So I have that power amp and I love the sound I am getting from my Ultra, however, its more for a PA than it is for a guitar preamp apparently because of the power class. But my question is, what makes it not as efficient for the application I'm using it for? Will it actually SOUND better if I got the SLA-2 or something similar or along that line?
Devastationdynasty said:
So I have that power amp and I love the sound I am getting from my Ultra, however, its more for a PA than it is for a guitar preamp apparently because of the power class. But my question is, what makes it not as efficient for the application I'm using it for? Will it actually SOUND better if I got the SLA-2 or something similar or along that line?

It's not that it's inefficient your just not using it to it's fullest so if anything it just not working as hard as it could be. xrist04 is right I doubt you would hear the difference. The only thing the SLA-2 has over the GX5 is 1 rack space, it's bridgable and it's about 10Lbs lighter. The Gx5 has the clear advantage with inputs, and extra head room.
Sixstring said:
Devastationdynasty said:
So I have that power amp and I love the sound I am getting from my Ultra, however, its more for a PA than it is for a guitar preamp apparently because of the power class. But my question is, what makes it not as efficient for the application I'm using it for? Will it actually SOUND better if I got the SLA-2 or something similar or along that line?

It's not that it's inefficient your just not using it to it's fullest so if anything it just not working as hard as it could be. xrist04 is right I doubt you would hear the difference. The only thing the SLA-2 has over the GX5 is 1 rack space, it's bridgable and it's about 10Lbs lighter. The Gx5 has the clear advantage with inputs, and extra head room.

Care to elaborate on how hes not using it to the fullest? Do you mean hes not pushing the power amp hard enough? I thought that didnt really matter for SS PA's. I could see if hes using a cab it will push more air that way but im curouis what you mean in the Power amp part of it.
I'm just wondering if there really is a difference in tone and/or feel. I love my sound as it is, but if it can improve in an affordable way, then I'll go for it.
sebby123 said:
Sixstring said:
Devastationdynasty said:
So I have that power amp and I love the sound I am getting from my Ultra, however, its more for a PA than it is for a guitar preamp apparently because of the power class. But my question is, what makes it not as efficient for the application I'm using it for? Will it actually SOUND better if I got the SLA-2 or something similar or along that line?

It's not that it's inefficient your just not using it to it's fullest so if anything it's just not working as hard as it could be. xrist04 is right I doubt you would hear the difference. The only thing the SLA-2 has over the GX5 is 1 rack space, it's bridgable and it's about 10Lbs lighter. The Gx5 has the clear advantage with inputs, and extra head room.

Care to elaborate on how hes not using it to the fullest? Do you mean hes not pushing the power amp hard enough? I thought that didnt really matter for SS PA's. I could see if hes using a cab it will push more air that way but im curouis what you mean in the Power amp part of it.

Sure... Lets say your using it as a PA amp and your playing back a track of say someone using thunderess dubble kick a massive 5 sting bass guitar and then add some vocals and a few guitars in the mix you will then be using that amp to it's fullest or "pushing the amp". Meaning ALL the bandwidth the amp is capable of amplifying is beeing used.
Devastationdynasty said:
I'm just wondering if there really is a difference in tone and/or feel. I love my sound as it is, but if it can improve in an affordable way, then I'll go for it.

I have played my Axe through several different quality SS power amps QSC, Crown, Creast Audio and the difference is not that noticeable other than available power (headroom) to warrent the extra cost and weight. The amp you have is fine so unless you need to free up a space in your rack I would keep it.
Devastationdynasty said:
Thanks Sixstring. I think I'll keep it for now, maybe change to something single space for weight relief.

I went from the GX5 to a Carvin DCM1540L. It's still 2U, but it is 15 lbs lighter than the QSC and it is class AB. I notice no real difference in sound quality, but maybe a slight improvement in feel? Hard to tell if I'm imagining things or not. I kept the Carvin, pretty much because of the lower weight. 15 lbs really made a difference in my rack.
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