Pulled the trigger on a pair of EV ZXA1's today


Bought them at lunch today, they are in the car and can't wait to get home and try them out. I will post some thoughts about them later on.

I wanted to say thanks to all you that post on here with your genuine thoughts on things. I had my heart dead set on a pair of QSC K-series thanks to a lot of posts, but as I kept going on, I came across some info on here of the EV ZXA1's. So I did a side by side comparison at lunch between the K8's and ZXA1's and decided to bite on the ZXA1's.

I still may return them for the K8's if they don't work out because I won't know for sure until I get them in my setup. But at less than $1k for a pair, here's to hoping.
So these are the first "PA" type speakers I ever bought or messed with. Can someone tell me if there a burn in period for these type speakers before they open up, like guitar speakers? I should have asked the guy at Sam Ash.

I was really just wanting to get something that sounded like my Adam A7's or Dynaudio BM5a's, but much louder. Those monitors sound different themselves, but as long as I could get something close to either I'd be happy. I've got everything running through a Mackie 1202-VLZ3 board, so I can A/B them off the Axe easily. I can say that they are not the same as the A7's, but they are damn close. I am a happy camper !!

These things really sound good, I love the sound coming out. Very wide sounding, but enough punch for palm muting to feel satisfying if that makes sense. Notes ring out like bells, clear and shimmering.

I A/B'd the A7's and the ZXA1's for about an hour at the same volume over several presets. The zxa1's were more open sounding, where theA7's seemed like they had more punch, like an extra compressor in there. I'm sure that's due to the nearfield nature of the A7's vs the wide are the zxa1's have. When I stepped across the room from the A7's, it clearly lost that direct punch where the ZXA1's stayed about the same. When I cranked them loud enough to shake the earth, they ZXA1's held up pretty good, I did clip them but by that point it was plenty loud enough for me.

One of the main things is I feel like any patches I make on these will translate well when recording and mixing through the other monitors. That, along with the added headroom over the studio monitors is all I can ask for.

I do have to say now that I have these (my first venture into this PA world) and they sound so good, I start to wonder with the AXE will sound like through a 12 inch speaker....haha, damn I suck.
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