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Prs archon mini game : helix or axe ? (With results page 3)

My name is mud

Fractal Fanatic
(Results in page 3 ! )

hey !
just a mini entertainment of the day
same guitar, same ir ... I try to match by ears, the settings are quite the same
I will tell the result when they are enough answers

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First clip Line 6, then AxeFX?

Just a short explanation:
After the first notes I already made my decision. There's something annoying in the high end, that I always associate with the Helix stuff.

If I'm supposedly wrong, I claim that you messed up the clips :D
b sounds like axe running fw21.
i dk if a is helix but it kinda of sounds like older axe firmware on which archon felt a bit muffled earlier
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Just a short explanation:
After the first notes I already made my decision. There's something annoying in the high end, that I always associate with the Helix stuff.

If I'm supposedly wrong, I claim that you messed up the clips :D
They sound surprisingly close, but this is what I'm hearing too. Wouldn't be shocked if I were wrong though.
That’s just a game. 🙃

Me too in 10 seconds I know if I play in front of a real stack or a modeler, that’s not the point 😁
If feel isn't part of it then I don't think there is a point. ;)
Feel is a huge part of why Fractal gets my money and the other stuff got sold.

When I had a Helix Floor and an AF3 in the same room I was never once confused about which was which.
"Compare clips" is what we have TGP and other sites for... the bottomless 'versus' of stuff we didn't dial in via a guitar we don't play.
You eventually realize that game proves nothing important.
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I requegnize AxeFXIII sounds in B. Its the palm mute sound at the end that triggers me on B. A sounds good too, but my guess would be B = fractal

Cheers 🍻
I think B is the Fractal
But I will say kudos to line6
That clip is a lot better than a lot of their older versions so obviously whatever they are doing is an improvement
If feel isn't part of it then I don't think there is a point. ;)
Feel is a huge part of why Fractal gets my money and the other stuff got sold.

When I had a Helix Floor and an AF3 in the same room I was never once confused about which was which.
"Compare clips" is what we have TGP and other sites for... the bottomless 'versus' of stuff we didn't dial in via a guitar we don't play.
You eventually realize that game proves nothing important.
What the audience listen or what is in the recording is not the musician feel. If you are really about the feel, just plug yourself in a stack and play at 5.

What is the goal or what it proves? That many things are useable and not so far from the top product that we own.

I was surprised with latest a/b test from sonic drive studio, where it was quite impossible to hear the difference between an axe, an amp, and an helix . So I decided to make one myself. And yes I’m a little bit surprised .
If the feel is off the musician won't play as well as they can, and then the audience won't have as much fun.
We are humans, not PA systems!
Tone alone was never and will never be "enough". :)

And, heck no, a "stack at 5" is no guarantee of the feel I want. That's a rather broad and generic brush. I don't want the same feel on the FAS Modern as a I do on, say, a JVM Orange. I want a track with vintage fuzz be a third, different feel than a track with pristine cleans and big reverbs.

The Fractal gives us these choices no actual tube amp and no other modeler gives us to dial in the sag versus stiffness, the shimmer, the thump and the squish - not just the tone.
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