Program Tap Tempo and Tuner on Switches


Hey guys,

I know it's probably a problem which all of you went thru with the FM3. How can a program that the tap tempo is set to the button of the selected preset ?
and how do I program that I can access the tuner with the footswitch ?

I read that the tap tempo is per default set on 10 taps but I would like to put down on the last 2 or 3. I read something in the manual but it still does not work.

Any help is welcome guys. :)

How can a program that the tap tempo is set to the button of the selected preset ?
Help me understand your question. What is "the button of the selected preset?"

and how do I program that I can access the tuner with the footswitch ?


I read that the tap tempo is per default set on 10 taps but I would like to put down on the last 2 or 3. I read something in the manual but it still does not work.
Go to Setup > Global Settings > Tap Tempo and set it to "LAST TWO."
Hey Rex,

thanks that helped. Was able to program the tap tempo and the tuner now. :)

There are different layouts available - how can I switch between them on the device ?
Hey Rex,

thanks that helped. Was able to program the tap tempo and the tuner now. :)

There are different layouts available - how can I switch between them on the device ?
Have you looked at the owners manual?

program a switch to change layouts, or use the Master Layout Menu function to choose different layouts, or turn knob E from the Home page.

Please give the owner’s manual a look.
Actually I never do - I mostly find out naturaly but this seems more complicated. 🙃

Thanks for your help.
i wouldn't say it's complicated.

just that the Axe-Fx and FM3 can replace every single aspect of a guitar tone, including pedals, amps, cabs, switching, connections I/O and more. that's a lot of things in general. i'd read the manual simply due to handling all of those things in one single system will be different than piecing them together one at a time as you go and learning them over time. you're trying to learn an entire system at once, and the way to do that has been typed out for you :)
I own both now - an FX III and a FM3 but with the FX III I was using a midi board till now. Slowly I get the funktions of the buttons on the FM3 and I must say it's really cool and you can edit it easy with the Edit software. But when you come from a midiboard you don't think in this direction - so it's something brandnew even with years of experience in musical devices.
Could you tell me how you got tap tempo to work? I'm trying to assign it to an external switch, it seems to set random tempos,thanks Mike
the tap tempo in FM 3 and external switch only works in some

Tap Tempo always "works" but the delay or other effects in your presets may not be set to match the tempo. Delay times can be set in milliseconds ("350 ms") or in musical rhythmic values ("1/8th dot"). If a given effect is not following tap tempo, find its TEMPO parameter(s) and change from NONE to the desired value. If you want a 1:1 relationship between taps and time, select "1/4".
How can a program that the tap tempo is set to the button of the selected preset ?
and how do I program that I can access the tuner with the footswitch ?
I’d like to program to hold the tap tempo switch for tuning mode, but as I understand, this is impossible?
It's possible if you're using an FC with the FM3. I have this defined on switch 6 on my FM3+FC6, and switch 9 on my FM9.

Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 3.36.35 PM.png

If you're not using an FC with the FM3 then you'd have to adjust layout 8 AKA "UTILITIES" but the screenshot would still apply.

Copying the default Tuner switch to the HOLD function of the Tap Tempo using the default FM3 layouts looks like this…
Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 3.50.36 PM.png

Try that on switch 1, and if you don't like it simply reset the HOLD function and it'll be back to normal behavior. If you like it Reset the TAP for switch 3 and it'll free that switch for whatever mischief you want to get into.
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