Problem with Multiplexer and Control Switch


I need some help. I use a multiplexer to switch between a wah and a pitch block. They should stay on across scenes. What I did:
I attached control switch 1 to select between the two rows 1+2.
  • Control Switch on=select row 2=pitch
  • Control Switch off= select row 1=wah
In addition I set PC-Rest on
Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-17 um 10.00.47.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-09-17 um 10.01.07.png
So far everything works as expected. The only problem I have is, if I want to safe the preset to init with row 2 (pitch) it doesn't work and it always initializes with row 1. What I did to init it with row 2 was to setup an FC9 switch and attached it to control sw 1 (saved the preset with CS1 state on). In addition I set control switch 1 to on in all scenes (by the way that doesn't affect the problem in any way. It doesn't matter if I set it to last).

Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-17 um 10.01.57.png
So when I now load the preset the FC9 switch lights up (state on), but the multiplexer always starts with row1 (CS1 state off). Does anybody have an idea how to solve that?


By the way: FW3.0 and FM9 EDIT 1.01.02
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I know think it is a Bug or some strange user error. The same problem occurs with the mixer block instead of the multiplexer. The problem occurs just in special situations.
Case 1: I save the preset with CS1 off and just select the same preset again. Now everything is correct and the preset is recalled with CS1 off.
Case 2: I save the preset as above and choose one of the factory presets that doesn't have any CS in use. In this case everything works as well.
Case 3: I save the same preset twice. Once with CS1 on and another time with CS1 off. If I now change between these two presets, the FM9 recalls both presets with the same CS state. To me that sounds like a bug.

I got some nice feedback in the german forum. And it is not a bug, it is a feature. Using the „last“ setting results in keeping the state of the cs over changing presets.
Rather than a control switch, why not have a single foot switch which toggles channels on the mulitplexor? Channel A selects the pitch and channel b the wah.

Then set scene ignore on the multiplexor

Then whenever you load the preset the state of the multiplexor should load from its saved value.

Does that help?
Cool. Thx. That is the best alternative👌. I think i missed the option because fm9 edit doesn‘t show the scene ignore option. Manuelle setting it up at the Fm9 did the trick!
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