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Prince rocking it hard and ruins a guitar ...

I saw him a few years back here in Milwaukee. It was an outdoor show the night of our fireworks. The stage was in front of us, the fireworks behind us. Instead of taking a break for the fireworks, they just dimmed the lights and then just jammed for the next 15 minutes. Everyone turned around to watch the fireworks, and a 15 minute improvised Prince jam was our soundtrack. He was just watching the fireworks too, jamming along to what he was watching. Fireworks ended, lights came up, we all turned around, and he segued right into the next song. It was very cool. That would have been the Musicology tour. Easily one of the best shows I've seen. I'm glad he's still making music.
Now THAT'S REALLY rock n roll. Take the attitude to the next step: break other peoples guitars! That was an Epiphone though. I'm sure Prince will more than make up for it. I know some people who know him. Everything I've heard is he's a sweet and kind person.
The problem is people think because they have money they can be idiots.
Someone posted same thing in this thread on another forum ,
Nuno was playing a benefit and used this kid from the opening bands guitar, and I mean kid like 17 years old .
Nuno was aggravted because guitar was not staying in tune . He threw the guitar up in the air 6 ft and walked away.
Father tells story Kid was sobbing .All he wanted was to spend some time with A"cool guitar player.
was so honoured Nuno used his instrument.
At end of day he got an autograph and a broken,chipped PRS
It is great to see so many positive comments about Prince's playing and performance. That track was off his 2nd album, entirely written, performed and produced by Mr P at the age of 21! His writing (as Yek points out) was white hot for at least 15 years and even following that has come up with the goods from time to time.

I have seen him live across 4 different tours, from 1988 to 2010 (plus countless official and bootleg performances from the early days forward) and believe his song writing, singing, playing of multiple instruments, and sheer performance (including some mean moves) are indivudually the match of anyone else, but together hard to beat.

I would be interested to hear if Cliff has considered a tie up with Prince, who has always been a relentless innovator, and for whom the Axe could be a great live performance and creative tool. I suspect it would also raise the profile of AFX in new circles than currently.
Looks to me like he was a bit pissed off at the end of an uninspired performance and he threw the guitar away in frustration. Wanky thing to do for whatever reason, it's hardly the 1960's any more.
It's possible that in the moment he simply forgot it was a borrowed guitar. Watch the very end of this video - after his wicked rideout solo he does the exact same thing with his famous Tele, throws it straight up in the air and walks off. Who knows how many hundreds of times he's done that.. force of habit?

Not cool to trash someone else's guitar. Period.

I saw this band at a small club in Mpls about a month ago. I was about 10 feet back. He was awesome, way better than this. He was so alive and played the audience at least as well as his guitar. He was riveting and getting to watch him run the show up close was great. He's the best live performer in the rock and roll larger than live way I've ever seen and I've been to a zillion live shows. He was changing stuff all the time (solo order, sing alongs, vocal ad libs, wry commentary, tune transitions) completely wired into the LIVE aspect of performance.

This band is more rock, less funk and pop. Other guitarist had a lot fewer pedals in Mpls, but used old Traynor amp just like here. Prince used a Bassman reissue facing across stage just like here, too. Had a bunch of Boss pedals. Love him, but his sound could be better sometimes.

He only had one strap and 2 guitars. At one point he held up one guitar for fans to hold while he took the strap off the other guitar and put it on the one they were holding. He was just hotter than hot and cooler than cool.
I don't like guitarthrowing :( even if someone is catching on the other side I find it a bit dodgy. I'm allowed to feel that way.

Throw your guitar all you want, I won't stop you. but I don't have to like it :)
Fallon needs to get Prince back on the show to hand over one of his own guitars so Kirk Douglas can smash it on TV. Then they could call it even. I'd tune in for that.

I bet this one would smash interestingly:

That is almost - but not quite - 100% proper rock and roll. To make it perfect, he would have needed to have shagged Jimmy Fallon's wife backstage while Fallon was still taping.

And it is "show business" people. The fact that we are all here talking about it proves it.
can do what the hell you want with your own stuff - but if it was someone else's guitar (don't know if that's true)... what an utter plonker.
i'll go against the grain a bit and admit he always was a bit overrated to me. tries to act like hendrix, but aint even a pimple on hendrix's ass :D
Have to admit that awaiting V10 & AE it's hard to find subjects for the forum....BTW, he didn't even fire it off !!?? Great artist, but nowadays prefer his normal dark voice far beyond his "head" voice that seems to have acquainted some miles on the counter on this recording. Oh the good times of Purple Rain etc etc (the eighties indeed). Humm, Are these females Wendy & Lisa after visiting a Brazilian plastic surgeon (good job then though !) ?
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